Source code for monai.utils.module

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import sys
import warnings
from importlib import import_module
from pkgutil import walk_packages
from re import match
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple

import torch


__all__ = [

[docs]def export(modname): """ Make the decorated object a member of the named module. This will also add the object under its aliases if it has a `__aliases__` member, thus this decorator should be before the `alias` decorator to pick up those names. Alias names which conflict with package names or existing members will be ignored. """ def _inner(obj): mod = import_module(modname) if not hasattr(mod, obj.__name__): setattr(mod, obj.__name__, obj) # add the aliases for `obj` to the target module for alias in getattr(obj, "__aliases__", ()): if not hasattr(mod, alias): setattr(mod, alias, obj) return obj return _inner
[docs]def load_submodules(basemod, load_all: bool = True, exclude_pattern: str = "(.*[tT]est.*)|(_.*)"): """ Traverse the source of the module structure starting with module `basemod`, loading all packages plus all files if `load_all` is True, excluding anything whose name matches `exclude_pattern`. """ submodules = [] err_mod: List[str] = [] for importer, name, is_pkg in walk_packages( basemod.__path__, prefix=basemod.__name__ + ".", onerror=err_mod.append ): if (is_pkg or load_all) and name not in sys.modules and match(exclude_pattern, name) is None: try: mod = import_module(name) importer.find_module(name).load_module(name) # type: ignore submodules.append(mod) except OptionalImportError: pass # could not import the optional deps., they are ignored return submodules, err_mod
def get_full_type_name(typeobj): module = typeobj.__module__ if module is None or module == str.__class__.__module__: return typeobj.__name__ # Avoid reporting __builtin__ return module + "." + typeobj.__name__
[docs]def min_version(the_module, min_version_str: str = "") -> bool: """ Convert version strings into tuples of int and compare them. Returns True if the module's version is greater or equal to the 'min_version'. When min_version_str is not provided, it always returns True. """ if not min_version_str or not hasattr(the_module, "__version__"): return True # always valid version mod_version = tuple(int(x) for x in the_module.__version__.split(".")[:2]) required = tuple(int(x) for x in min_version_str.split(".")[:2]) return mod_version >= required
[docs]def exact_version(the_module, version_str: str = "") -> bool: """ Returns True if the module's __version__ matches version_str """ if not hasattr(the_module, "__version__"): warnings.warn(f"{the_module} has no attribute __version__ in exact_version check.") return False return bool(the_module.__version__ == version_str)
[docs]class InvalidPyTorchVersionError(Exception): """ Raised when called function or method requires a more recent PyTorch version than that installed. """ def __init__(self, required_version, name): message = f"{name} requires PyTorch version {required_version} or later" super().__init__(message)
[docs]class OptionalImportError(ImportError): """ Could not import APIs from an optional dependency. """
[docs]def optional_import( module: str, version: str = "", version_checker: Callable[..., bool] = min_version, name: str = "", descriptor: str = OPTIONAL_IMPORT_MSG_FMT, version_args=None, allow_namespace_pkg: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Any, bool]: """ Imports an optional module specified by `module` string. Any importing related exceptions will be stored, and exceptions raise lazily when attempting to use the failed-to-import module. Args: module: name of the module to be imported. version: version string used by the version_checker. version_checker: a callable to check the module version, Defaults to monai.utils.min_version. name: a non-module attribute (such as method/class) to import from the imported module. descriptor: a format string for the final error message when using a not imported module. version_args: additional parameters to the version checker. allow_namespace_pkg: whether importing a namespace package is allowed. Defaults to False. Returns: The imported module and a boolean flag indicating whether the import is successful. Examples:: >>> torch, flag = optional_import('torch', '1.1') >>> print(torch, flag) <module 'torch' from 'python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/'> True >>> the_module, flag = optional_import('unknown_module') >>> print(flag) False >>> the_module.method # trying to access a module which is not imported OptionalImportError: import unknown_module (No module named 'unknown_module'). >>> torch, flag = optional_import('torch', '42', exact_version) >>> torch.nn # trying to access a module for which there isn't a proper version imported OptionalImportError: import torch (requires version '42' by 'exact_version'). >>> conv, flag = optional_import('torch.nn.functional', '1.0', name='conv1d') >>> print(conv) <built-in method conv1d of type object at 0x11a49eac0> >>> conv, flag = optional_import('torch.nn.functional', '42', name='conv1d') >>> conv() # trying to use a function from the not successfully imported module (due to unmatched version) OptionalImportError: from torch.nn.functional import conv1d (requires version '42' by 'min_version'). """ tb = None exception_str = "" if name: actual_cmd = f"from {module} import {name}" else: actual_cmd = f"import {module}" try: pkg = __import__(module) # top level module the_module = import_module(module) if not allow_namespace_pkg: is_namespace = getattr(the_module, "__file__", None) is None and hasattr(the_module, "__path__") if is_namespace: raise AssertionError if name: # user specified to load class/function/... from the module the_module = getattr(the_module, name) except Exception as import_exception: # any exceptions during import tb = import_exception.__traceback__ exception_str = f"{import_exception}" else: # found the module if version_args and version_checker(pkg, f"{version}", version_args): return the_module, True if not version_args and version_checker(pkg, f"{version}"): return the_module, True # preparing lazy error message msg = descriptor.format(actual_cmd) if version and tb is None: # a pure version issue msg += f" (requires '{module} {version}' by '{version_checker.__name__}')" if exception_str: msg += f" ({exception_str})" class _LazyRaise: def __init__(self, *_args, **_kwargs): _default_msg = ( f"{msg}." + "\n\nFor details about installing the optional dependencies, please visit:" + "\n" ) if tb is None: self._exception = OptionalImportError(_default_msg) else: self._exception = OptionalImportError(_default_msg).with_traceback(tb) def __getattr__(self, name): """ Raises: OptionalImportError: When you call this method. """ raise self._exception def __call__(self, *_args, **_kwargs): """ Raises: OptionalImportError: When you call this method. """ raise self._exception return _LazyRaise(), False
[docs]def get_package_version(dep_name, default="NOT INSTALLED or UNKNOWN VERSION."): """ Try to load package and get version. If not found, return `default`. """ dep, has_dep = optional_import(dep_name) if has_dep and hasattr(dep, "__version__"): return dep.__version__ return default
[docs]def get_torch_version_tuple(): """ Returns: tuple of ints represents the pytorch major/minor version. """ return tuple((int(x) for x in torch.__version__.split(".")[:2]))
[docs]def version_leq(lhs, rhs): """Returns True if version `lhs` is earlier or equal to `rhs`.""" ver, has_ver = optional_import("pkg_resources", name="parse_version") if has_ver: return ver(lhs) <= ver(rhs) def _try_cast(val): val = val.strip() try: m = match("(\\d+)(.*)", val) if m is not None: val = m.groups()[0] return int(val) return val except ValueError: return val # remove git version suffixes if present lhs = lhs.split("+", 1)[0] rhs = rhs.split("+", 1)[0] # parse the version strings in this basic way without `packaging` package lhs = map(_try_cast, lhs.split(".")) rhs = map(_try_cast, rhs.split(".")) for l, r in zip(lhs, rhs): if l != r: if isinstance(l, int) and isinstance(r, int): return l < r return f"{l}" < f"{r}" return True
try: PT_BEFORE_1_7 = torch.__version__ != "1.7.0" and version_leq(torch.__version__, "1.7.0") except (AttributeError, TypeError): PT_BEFORE_1_7 = True