Source code for monai.handlers.segmentation_saver

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from monai.config import DtypeLike, IgniteInfo
from import decollate_batch
from monai.transforms import SaveImage
from monai.utils import GridSampleMode, GridSamplePadMode, InterpolateMode, deprecated, min_version, optional_import

Events, _ = optional_import("ignite.engine", IgniteInfo.OPT_IMPORT_VERSION, min_version, "Events")
    from ignite.engine import Engine
    Engine, _ = optional_import("ignite.engine", IgniteInfo.OPT_IMPORT_VERSION, min_version, "Engine")

[docs]@deprecated(since="0.6.0", removed="0.7.0", msg_suffix="Please consider using `SaveImage[d]` transform instead.") class SegmentationSaver: """ Event handler triggered on completing every iteration to save the segmentation predictions into files. It can extract the input image meta data(filename, affine, original_shape, etc.) and resample the predictions based on the meta data. The name of saved file will be `{input_image_name}_{output_postfix}{output_ext}`, where the input image name is extracted from the meta data dictionary. If no meta data provided, use index from 0 as the filename prefix. The predictions can be PyTorch Tensor with [B, C, H, W, [D]] shape or a list of Tensor without batch dim. """ def __init__( self, output_dir: str = "./", output_postfix: str = "seg", output_ext: str = ".nii.gz", resample: bool = True, mode: Union[GridSampleMode, InterpolateMode, str] = "nearest", padding_mode: Union[GridSamplePadMode, str] = GridSamplePadMode.BORDER, scale: Optional[int] = None, dtype: DtypeLike = np.float64, output_dtype: DtypeLike = np.float32, squeeze_end_dims: bool = True, data_root_dir: str = "", batch_transform: Callable = lambda x: x, output_transform: Callable = lambda x: x, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Args: output_dir: output image directory. output_postfix: a string appended to all output file names, default to `seg`. output_ext: output file extension name, available extensions: `.nii.gz`, `.nii`, `.png`. resample: whether to resample before saving the data array. if saving PNG format image, based on the `spatial_shape` from metadata. if saving NIfTI format image, based on the `original_affine` from metadata. mode: This option is used when ``resample = True``. Defaults to ``"nearest"``. - NIfTI files {``"bilinear"``, ``"nearest"``} Interpolation mode to calculate output values. See also: - PNG files {``"nearest"``, ``"linear"``, ``"bilinear"``, ``"bicubic"``, ``"trilinear"``, ``"area"``} The interpolation mode. See also: padding_mode: This option is used when ``resample = True``. Defaults to ``"border"``. - NIfTI files {``"zeros"``, ``"border"``, ``"reflection"``} Padding mode for outside grid values. See also: - PNG files This option is ignored. scale: {``255``, ``65535``} postprocess data by clipping to [0, 1] and scaling [0, 255] (uint8) or [0, 65535] (uint16). Default is None to disable scaling. It's used for PNG format only. dtype: data type for resampling computation. Defaults to ``np.float64`` for best precision. If None, use the data type of input data. It's used for Nifti format only. output_dtype: data type for saving data. Defaults to ``np.float32``, it's used for Nifti format only. squeeze_end_dims: if True, any trailing singleton dimensions will be removed (after the channel has been moved to the end). So if input is (C,H,W,D), this will be altered to (H,W,D,C), and then if C==1, it will be saved as (H,W,D). If D also ==1, it will be saved as (H,W). If false, image will always be saved as (H,W,D,C). it's used for NIfTI format only. data_root_dir: if not empty, it specifies the beginning parts of the input file's absolute path. it's used to compute `input_file_rel_path`, the relative path to the file from `data_root_dir` to preserve folder structure when saving in case there are files in different folders with the same file names. for example: input_file_name: /foo/bar/test1/image.nii, output_postfix: seg output_ext: nii.gz output_dir: /output, data_root_dir: /foo/bar, output will be: /output/test1/image/image_seg.nii.gz batch_transform: a callable that is used to extract the `meta_data` dictionary of the input images from `ignite.engine.state.batch`. the purpose is to extract necessary information from the meta data: filename, affine, original_shape, etc. output_transform: a callable that is used to extract the model prediction data from `ignite.engine.state.output`. the first dimension of its output will be treated as the batch dimension. each item in the batch will be saved individually. name: identifier of logging.logger to use, defaulting to `engine.logger`. """ self._saver = SaveImage( output_dir=output_dir, output_postfix=output_postfix, output_ext=output_ext, resample=resample, mode=mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, scale=scale, dtype=dtype, output_dtype=output_dtype, squeeze_end_dims=squeeze_end_dims, data_root_dir=data_root_dir, ) self.batch_transform = batch_transform self.output_transform = output_transform self.logger = logging.getLogger(name) self._name = name
[docs] def attach(self, engine: Engine) -> None: """ Args: engine: Ignite Engine, it can be a trainer, validator or evaluator. """ if self._name is None: self.logger = engine.logger if not engine.has_event_handler(self, Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED): engine.add_event_handler(Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED, self)
def __call__(self, engine: Engine) -> None: """ This method assumes self.batch_transform will extract metadata from the input batch. Output file datatype is determined from ``engine.state.output.dtype``. Args: engine: Ignite Engine, it can be a trainer, validator or evaluator. """ meta_data = self.batch_transform(engine.state.batch) if isinstance(meta_data, dict): # decollate the `dictionary of list` to `list of dictionaries` meta_data = decollate_batch(meta_data) engine_output = self.output_transform(engine.state.output) for m, o in zip(meta_data, engine_output): self._saver(o, m)"model outputs saved into files.")