Source code for monai.apps.mmars.mmars

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Utilities for accessing Nvidia MMARs

See Also:

import json
import os
import warnings
from typing import Mapping, Union

import torch

import monai.networks.nets as monai_nets
from monai.apps.utils import download_and_extract
from monai.utils.module import optional_import

from .model_desc import MODEL_DESC
from .model_desc import RemoteMMARKeys as Keys

__all__ = ["get_model_spec", "download_mmar", "load_from_mmar"]

def get_model_spec(idx: Union[int, str]):
    """get model specification by `idx`. `idx` could be index of the constant tuple of dict or the actual model ID."""
    if isinstance(idx, int):
        return MODEL_DESC[idx]
    if isinstance(idx, str):
        key = idx.strip().lower()
        for cand in MODEL_DESC:
            if str(cand[Keys.ID]).strip().lower() == key:
                return cand
    print(f"Available specs are: {MODEL_DESC}.")
    raise ValueError(f"Unknown MODEL_DESC request: {idx}")

def _get_all_ngc_models(pattern, page_index=0, page_size=50):
    url = ""
    query_dict = {
        "query": "",
        "orderBy": [{"field": "score", "value": "DESC"}],
        "queryFields": ["all", "description", "displayName", "name", "resourceId"],
        "fields": [
        "page": 0,

    filter = [dict(field="name", value=f"*{pattern}*")]
    query_dict["page"] = page_index
    query_dict["pageSize"] = page_size
    query_dict["filters"] = filter
    query_str = json.dumps(query_dict)
    full_url = f"{url}?q={query_str}"
    requests_get, has_requests = optional_import("requests", name="get")
    if has_requests:
        resp = requests_get(full_url)
        raise ValueError("NGC API requires requests package.  Please install it.")
    model_list = json.loads(resp.text)
    model_dict = dict()
    for result in model_list["results"]:
        for model in result["resources"]:
            current_res_id = model["resourceId"]
            model_dict[current_res_id] = {"name": model["name"]}
            for attribute in model["attributes"]:
                if attribute["key"] == "latestVersionIdStr":
                    model_dict[current_res_id]["latest"] = attribute["value"]
    return model_dict

def _get_ngc_url(model_name: str, version: str, model_prefix=""):
    return f"{model_prefix}{model_name}/versions/{version}/zip"

def _get_ngc_doc_url(model_name: str, model_prefix=""):
    return f"{model_prefix}{model_name}"

[docs]def download_mmar(item, mmar_dir=None, progress: bool = True, api: bool = False, version: int = -1): """ Download and extract Medical Model Archive (MMAR) from Nvidia Clara Train. See Also: - - Nvidia NGC Registry CLI - Args: item: the corresponding model item from `MODEL_DESC`. Or when api is True, the substring to query NGC's model name field. mmar_dir: target directory to store the MMAR, default is `mmars` subfolder under `torch.hub get_dir()`. progress: whether to display a progress bar. api: whether to query NGC and download via api version: which version of MMAR to download. -1 means the latest from ngc. Examples:: >>> from monai.apps import download_mmar >>> download_mmar("clara_pt_prostate_mri_segmentation_1", mmar_dir=".") >>> download_mmar("prostate_mri_segmentation", mmar_dir=".", api=True) Returns: The local directory of the downloaded model. If api is True, a list of local directories of downloaded models. """ if not mmar_dir: get_dir, has_home = optional_import("torch.hub", name="get_dir") if has_home: mmar_dir = os.path.join(get_dir(), "mmars") else: raise ValueError("mmar_dir=None, but no suitable default directory computed. Upgrade Pytorch to 1.6+ ?") if api: model_dict = _get_all_ngc_models(item) if len(model_dict) == 0: raise ValueError(f"api query returns no item for pattern {item}. Please change or shorten it.") model_dir_list = list() for k, v in model_dict.items(): ver = v["latest"] if version == -1 else str(version) download_url = _get_ngc_url(k, ver) model_dir = os.path.join(mmar_dir, v["name"]) download_and_extract( url=download_url, filepath=os.path.join(mmar_dir, f'{v["name"]}_{ver}.zip'), output_dir=model_dir, hash_val=None, hash_type="md5", file_type="zip", has_base=False, progress=progress, ) model_dir_list.append(model_dir) return model_dir_list if not isinstance(item, Mapping): item = get_model_spec(item) ver = item.get(Keys.VERSION, 1) if version > 0: ver = str(version) model_fullname = f"{item[Keys.NAME]}_{ver}" model_dir = os.path.join(mmar_dir, model_fullname) model_url = item.get(Keys.URL) or _get_ngc_url(item[Keys.NAME], version=ver, model_prefix="nvidia/med/") download_and_extract( url=model_url, filepath=os.path.join(mmar_dir, f"{model_fullname}.{item[Keys.FILE_TYPE]}"), output_dir=model_dir, hash_val=item[Keys.HASH_VAL], hash_type=item[Keys.HASH_TYPE], file_type=item[Keys.FILE_TYPE], has_base=False, progress=progress, ) return model_dir
[docs]def load_from_mmar( item, mmar_dir=None, progress: bool = True, version: int = -1, map_location=None, pretrained=True, weights_only=False, model_key: str = "model", ): """ Download and extract Medical Model Archive (MMAR) model weights from Nvidia Clara Train. Args: item: the corresponding model item from `MODEL_DESC`. mmar_dir: : target directory to store the MMAR, default is mmars subfolder under `torch.hub get_dir()`. progress: whether to display a progress bar when downloading the content. version: version number of the MMAR. Set it to `-1` to use `item[Keys.VERSION]`. map_location: pytorch API parameter for `torch.load` or `torch.jit.load`. pretrained: whether to load the pretrained weights after initializing a network module. weights_only: whether to load only the weights instead of initializing the network module and assign weights. model_key: a key to search in the model file or config file for the model dictionary. Currently this function assumes that the model dictionary has `{"[name|path]": "test.module", "args": {'kw': 'test'}}`. Examples:: >>> from monai.apps import load_from_mmar >>> unet_model = load_from_mmar("clara_pt_prostate_mri_segmentation_1", mmar_dir=".", map_location="cpu") >>> print(unet_model) See Also: """ if not isinstance(item, Mapping): item = get_model_spec(item) model_dir = download_mmar(item=item, mmar_dir=mmar_dir, progress=progress, version=version) model_file = os.path.join(model_dir, item[Keys.MODEL_FILE]) print(f'\n*** "{item[Keys.ID]}" available at {model_dir}.') # loading with `torch.jit.load` if f"{model_file}".endswith(".ts"): if not pretrained: warnings.warn("Loading a ScriptModule, 'pretrained' option ignored.") if weights_only: warnings.warn("Loading a ScriptModule, 'weights_only' option ignored.") return torch.jit.load(model_file, map_location=map_location) # loading with `torch.load` model_dict = torch.load(model_file, map_location=map_location) if weights_only: return model_dict.get(model_key, model_dict) # model_dict[model_key] or model_dict directly # 1. search `model_dict['train_config]` for model config spec. model_config = _get_val(dict(model_dict).get("train_conf", {}), key=model_key, default={}) if not model_config: # 2. search json CONFIG_FILE for model config spec. json_path = os.path.join(model_dir, item.get(Keys.CONFIG_FILE, "config_train.json")) with open(json_path) as f: conf_dict = json.load(f) conf_dict = dict(conf_dict) model_config = _get_val(conf_dict, key=model_key, default={}) if not model_config: # 3. search `model_dict` for model config spec. model_config = _get_val(dict(model_dict), key=model_key, default={}) if not (model_config and isinstance(model_config, Mapping)): raise ValueError( f"Could not load model config dictionary from config: {item.get(Keys.CONFIG_FILE)}, " f"or from model file: {item.get(Keys.MODEL_FILE)}." ) # parse `model_config` for model class and model parameters if model_config.get("name"): # model config section is a "name" model_name = model_config["name"] model_cls = monai_nets.__dict__[model_name] elif model_config.get("path"): # model config section is a "path" # model_module, model_name = model_config.get("path", ".").rsplit(".", 1) model_cls, has_cls = optional_import(module=model_module, name=model_name) if not has_cls: raise ValueError( f"Could not load MMAR model config {model_config.get('path', '')}, " f"Please make sure MMAR's sub-folders in '{model_dir}' is on the PYTHONPATH." "See also:" ) else: raise ValueError(f"Could not load model config {model_config}.") print(f"*** Model: {model_cls}") model_kwargs = model_config.get("args", None) if model_kwargs: model_inst = model_cls(**model_kwargs) print(f"*** Model params: {model_kwargs}") else: model_inst = model_cls() if pretrained: model_inst.load_state_dict(model_dict.get(model_key, model_dict)) print("\n---") doc_url = item.get(Keys.DOC) or _get_ngc_doc_url(item[Keys.NAME], model_prefix="nvidia:med:") print(f"For more information, please visit {doc_url}\n") return model_inst
def _get_val(input_dict: Mapping, key="model", default=None): """ Search for the item with `key` in `config_dict`. Returns: the first occurrence of `key` in a breadth first search. """ if key in input_dict: return input_dict[key] for sub_dict in input_dict: val = input_dict[sub_dict] if isinstance(val, Mapping): found_val = _get_val(val, key=key, default=None) if found_val is not None: return found_val return default