Source code for monai.apps.utils

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import hashlib
import os
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile
import warnings
import zipfile
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
from urllib.error import ContentTooShortError, HTTPError, URLError
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

from monai.utils import min_version, optional_import

gdown, has_gdown = optional_import("gdown", "3.6")

    from tqdm import tqdm

    has_tqdm = True
    tqdm, has_tqdm = optional_import("tqdm", "4.47.0", min_version, "tqdm")

__all__ = [

def _basename(p):
    """get the last part of the path (removing the trailing slash if it exists)"""
    sep = os.path.sep + (os.path.altsep or "") + "/ "
    return os.path.basename(p.rstrip(sep))

[docs]def check_hash(filepath: str, val: Optional[str] = None, hash_type: str = "md5") -> bool: """ Verify hash signature of specified file. Args: filepath: path of source file to verify hash value. val: expected hash value of the file. hash_type: 'md5' or 'sha1', defaults to 'md5'. """ if val is None: print(f"Expected {hash_type} is None, skip {hash_type} check for file {filepath}.") return True if hash_type.lower() == "md5": actual_hash = hashlib.md5() elif hash_type.lower() == "sha1": actual_hash = hashlib.sha1() else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown 'hash_type' {hash_type}.") try: with open(filepath, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: * 1024), b""): actual_hash.update(chunk) except Exception as e: print(f"Exception in check_hash: {e}") return False if val != actual_hash.hexdigest(): print(f"check_hash failed {actual_hash.hexdigest()}.") return False print(f"Verified '{_basename(filepath)}', {hash_type}: {val}.") return True
[docs]def download_url(url: str, filepath: str = "", hash_val: Optional[str] = None, hash_type: str = "md5") -> None: """ Download file from specified URL link, support process bar and hash check. Args: url: source URL link to download file. filepath: target filepath to save the downloaded file. If undefined, `os.path.basename(url)` will be used. hash_val: expected hash value to validate the downloaded file. if None, skip hash validation. hash_type: 'md5' or 'sha1', defaults to 'md5'. Raises: RuntimeError: When the hash validation of the ``filepath`` existing file fails. RuntimeError: When a network issue or denied permission prevents the file download from ``url`` to ``filepath``. URLError: See urllib.request.urlretrieve. HTTPError: See urllib.request.urlretrieve. ContentTooShortError: See urllib.request.urlretrieve. IOError: See urllib.request.urlretrieve. RuntimeError: When the hash validation of the ``url`` downloaded file fails. """ if not filepath: filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(".", _basename(url))) print(f"Default downloading to '{filepath}'") if os.path.exists(filepath): if not check_hash(filepath, hash_val, hash_type): raise RuntimeError( f"{hash_type} check of existing file failed: filepath={filepath}, expected {hash_type}={hash_val}." ) print(f"file {filepath} exists, skip downloading.") return if url.startswith(""): if not has_gdown: raise RuntimeError("To download files from Google Drive, please install the gdown dependency.") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath), exist_ok=True), filepath, quiet=False) if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise RuntimeError( f"Download of file from {url} to {filepath} failed due to network issue or denied permission." ) else: path = os.path.dirname(filepath) if path: os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) try: if has_tqdm: class TqdmUpTo(tqdm): """ Provides `update_to(n)` which uses `tqdm.update(delta_n)`. Inspired by the example in """ def update_to(self, b: int = 1, bsize: int = 1, tsize: Optional[int] = None): """ b: number of blocks transferred so far, default: 1. bsize: size of each block (in tqdm units), default: 1. tsize: total size (in tqdm units). if None, remains unchanged. """ if tsize is not None: = tsize self.update(b * bsize - self.n) # will also set self.n = b * bsize with TqdmUpTo( unit="B", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, miniters=1, desc=filepath.split(os.sep)[-1], ) as t: urlretrieve(url, filepath, reporthook=t.update_to) else: warnings.warn("tqdm is not installed, will not show the downloading progress bar.") urlretrieve(url, filepath) print(f"\ndownloaded file: {filepath}.") except (URLError, HTTPError, ContentTooShortError, IOError) as e: print(f"download failed from {url} to {filepath}.") raise e if not check_hash(filepath, hash_val, hash_type): raise RuntimeError( f"{hash_type} check of downloaded file failed: URL={url}, " f"filepath={filepath}, expected {hash_type}={hash_val}." )
[docs]def extractall( filepath: str, output_dir: str = ".", hash_val: Optional[str] = None, hash_type: str = "md5", file_type: str = "" ) -> None: """ Extract file to the output directory. Expected file types are: `zip`, `tar.gz` and `tar`. Args: filepath: the file path of compressed file. output_dir: target directory to save extracted files. hash_val: expected hash value to validate the compressed file. if None, skip hash validation. hash_type: 'md5' or 'sha1', defaults to 'md5'. file_type: string of file type for decompressing. Leave it empty to infer the type from the filepath basename. Raises: RuntimeError: When the hash validation of the ``filepath`` compressed file fails. NotImplementedError: When the ``filepath`` file extension is not one of [zip", "tar.gz", "tar"]. """ target_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _basename(filepath).split(".")[0]) if os.path.exists(target_file): print(f"extracted file {target_file} exists, skip extracting.") return if hash_val and not check_hash(filepath, hash_val, hash_type): raise RuntimeError( f"{hash_type} check of compressed file failed: " f"filepath={filepath}, expected {hash_type}={hash_val}." ) _file_type = file_type.lower().strip() if filepath.endswith("zip") or _file_type == "zip": zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath) zip_file.extractall(output_dir) zip_file.close() return if filepath.endswith("tar") or filepath.endswith("tar.gz") or "tar" in _file_type: tar_file = tar_file.extractall(output_dir) tar_file.close() return raise NotImplementedError( f'Unsupported file type, available options are: ["zip", "tar.gz", "tar"]. name={filepath} type={file_type}.' )
[docs]def download_and_extract( url: str, filepath: str = "", output_dir: str = ".", hash_val: Optional[str] = None, hash_type: str = "md5", file_type: str = "", ) -> None: """ Download file from URL and extract it to the output directory. Args: url: source URL link to download file. filepath: the file path of the downloaded compressed file. use this option to keep the directly downloaded compressed file, to avoid further repeated downloads. output_dir: target directory to save extracted files. default is the current directory. hash_val: expected hash value to validate the downloaded file. if None, skip hash validation. hash_type: 'md5' or 'sha1', defaults to 'md5'. file_type: string of file type for decompressing. Leave it empty to infer the type from url's base file name. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_name = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{_basename(url)}") download_url(url=url, filepath=tmp_name, hash_val=hash_val, hash_type=hash_type) if filepath: shutil.move(tmp_name, filepath) # copy the downloaded to a user-specified cache. else: filepath = tmp_name extractall(filepath=filepath, output_dir=output_dir, file_type=file_type)