Source code for monai.networks.nets.efficientnet

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import math
import operator
import re
from functools import reduce
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.utils import model_zoo

from monai.networks.layers.factories import Act, Conv, Norm, Pad, Pool

__all__ = ["EfficientNetBN", "get_efficientnet_image_size", "drop_connect"]

efficientnet_params = {
    # model_name: (width_mult, depth_mult, image_size, dropout_rate, dropconnect_rate)
    "efficientnet-b0": (1.0, 1.0, 224, 0.2, 0.2),
    "efficientnet-b1": (1.0, 1.1, 240, 0.2, 0.2),
    "efficientnet-b2": (1.1, 1.2, 260, 0.3, 0.2),
    "efficientnet-b3": (1.2, 1.4, 300, 0.3, 0.2),
    "efficientnet-b4": (1.4, 1.8, 380, 0.4, 0.2),
    "efficientnet-b5": (1.6, 2.2, 456, 0.4, 0.2),
    "efficientnet-b6": (1.8, 2.6, 528, 0.5, 0.2),
    "efficientnet-b7": (2.0, 3.1, 600, 0.5, 0.2),

class MBConvBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        spatial_dims: int,
        in_channels: int,
        out_channels: int,
        kernel_size: int,
        stride: int,
        image_size: List[int],
        expand_ratio: int,
        se_ratio: Optional[float],
        id_skip: Optional[bool] = True,
        batch_norm_momentum: float = 0.99,
        batch_norm_epsilon: float = 1e-3,
        drop_connect_rate: Optional[float] = 0.2,
    ) -> None:
        Mobile Inverted Residual Bottleneck Block.

            spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions.
            in_channels: number of input channels.
            out_classes: number of output channels.
            kernel_size: size of the kernel for conv ops.
            stride: stride to use for conv ops.
            image_size: input image resolution.
            expand_ratio: expansion ratio for inverted bottleneck.
            se_ratio: squeeze-excitation ratio for se layers.
            id_skip: whether to use skip connection.
            batch_norm_momentum: momentum for batch norm.
            batch_norm_epsilon: epsilon for batch norm.
            drop_connect_rate: dropconnect rate for drop connection (individual weights) layers.

            [1] (MobileNet v1)
            [2] (MobileNet v2)
            [3] (MobileNet v3)

        # select the type of N-Dimensional layers to use
        # these are based on spatial dims and selected from MONAI factories
        conv_type = Conv["conv", spatial_dims]
        batchnorm_type = Norm["batch", spatial_dims]
        adaptivepool_type = Pool["adaptiveavg", spatial_dims]

        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.id_skip = id_skip
        self.stride = stride
        self.expand_ratio = expand_ratio
        self.drop_connect_rate = drop_connect_rate

        if (se_ratio is not None) and (0.0 < se_ratio <= 1.0):
            self.has_se = True
            self.se_ratio = se_ratio
            self.has_se = False

        bn_mom = 1.0 - batch_norm_momentum  # pytorch"s difference from tensorflow
        bn_eps = batch_norm_epsilon

        # Expansion phase (Inverted Bottleneck)
        inp = in_channels  # number of input channels
        oup = in_channels * expand_ratio  # number of output channels
        if self.expand_ratio != 1:
            self._expand_conv = conv_type(in_channels=inp, out_channels=oup, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
            self._expand_conv_padding = _make_same_padder(self._expand_conv, image_size)

            self._bn0 = batchnorm_type(num_features=oup, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps)
            # need to have the following to fix JIT error:
            #   "Module 'MBConvBlock' has no attribute '_expand_conv'"

            # FIXME: find a better way to bypass JIT error
            self._expand_conv = nn.Identity()
            self._expand_conv_padding = nn.Identity()
            self._bn0 = nn.Identity()

        # Depthwise convolution phase
        self._depthwise_conv = conv_type(
            groups=oup,  # groups makes it depthwise
        self._depthwise_conv_padding = _make_same_padder(self._depthwise_conv, image_size)
        self._bn1 = batchnorm_type(num_features=oup, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps)
        image_size = _calculate_output_image_size(image_size, self.stride)

        # Squeeze and Excitation layer, if desired
        if self.has_se:
            self._se_adaptpool = adaptivepool_type(1)
            num_squeezed_channels = max(1, int(in_channels * self.se_ratio))
            self._se_reduce = conv_type(in_channels=oup, out_channels=num_squeezed_channels, kernel_size=1)
            self._se_reduce_padding = _make_same_padder(self._se_reduce, [1, 1])
            self._se_expand = conv_type(in_channels=num_squeezed_channels, out_channels=oup, kernel_size=1)
            self._se_expand_padding = _make_same_padder(self._se_expand, [1, 1])

        # Pointwise convolution phase
        final_oup = out_channels
        self._project_conv = conv_type(in_channels=oup, out_channels=final_oup, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
        self._project_conv_padding = _make_same_padder(self._project_conv, image_size)
        self._bn2 = batchnorm_type(num_features=final_oup, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps)

        # swish activation to use - using memory efficient swish by default
        # can be switched to normal swish using self.set_swish() function call
        self._swish = Act["memswish"]()

    def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor):
        """MBConvBlock"s forward function.

            inputs: Input tensor.

            Output of this block after processing.
        # Expansion and Depthwise Convolution
        x = inputs
        if self.expand_ratio != 1:
            x = self._expand_conv(self._expand_conv_padding(x))
            x = self._bn0(x)
            x = self._swish(x)

        x = self._depthwise_conv(self._depthwise_conv_padding(x))
        x = self._bn1(x)
        x = self._swish(x)

        # Squeeze and Excitation
        if self.has_se:
            x_squeezed = self._se_adaptpool(x)
            x_squeezed = self._se_reduce(self._se_reduce_padding(x_squeezed))
            x_squeezed = self._swish(x_squeezed)
            x_squeezed = self._se_expand(self._se_expand_padding(x_squeezed))
            x = torch.sigmoid(x_squeezed) * x

        # Pointwise Convolution
        x = self._project_conv(self._project_conv_padding(x))
        x = self._bn2(x)

        # Skip connection and drop connect
        if self.id_skip and self.stride == 1 and self.in_channels == self.out_channels:
            # the combination of skip connection and drop connect brings about stochastic depth.
            if self.drop_connect_rate:
                x = drop_connect(x, p=self.drop_connect_rate,
            x = x + inputs  # skip connection
        return x

    def set_swish(self, memory_efficient: bool = True) -> None:
        """Sets swish function as memory efficient (for training) or standard (for export).

            memory_efficient (bool): Whether to use memory-efficient version of swish.
        self._swish = Act["memswish"]() if memory_efficient else Act["swish"](alpha=1.0)

[docs]class EfficientNet(nn.Module): def __init__( self, blocks_args_str: List[str], spatial_dims: int = 2, in_channels: int = 3, num_classes: int = 1000, width_coefficient: float = 1.0, depth_coefficient: float = 1.0, dropout_rate: float = 0.2, image_size: int = 224, batch_norm_momentum: float = 0.99, batch_norm_epsilon: float = 1e-3, drop_connect_rate: float = 0.2, depth_divisor: int = 8, ) -> None: """ EfficientNet based on `Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks <>`_. Adapted from `EfficientNet-PyTorch <>`_. Args: blocks_args_str: block definitions. spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions. in_channels: number of input channels. num_classes: number of output classes. width_coefficient: width multiplier coefficient (w in paper). depth_coefficient: depth multiplier coefficient (d in paper). dropout_rate: dropout rate for dropout layers. image_size: input image resolution. batch_norm_momentum: momentum for batch norm. batch_norm_epsilon: epsilon for batch norm. drop_connect_rate: dropconnect rate for drop connection (individual weights) layers. depth_divisor: depth divisor for channel rounding. Examples:: # for pretrained spatial 2D ImageNet >>> image_size = get_efficientnet_image_size("efficientnet-b0") >>> inputs = torch.rand(1, 3, image_size, image_size) >>> model = EfficientNetBN("efficientnet-b0", pretrained=True) >>> model.eval() >>> outputs = model(inputs) # create spatial 2D >>> model = EfficientNetBN("efficientnet-b0", spatial_dims=2) # create spatial 3D >>> model = EfficientNetBN("efficientnet-b0", spatial_dims=3) # create EfficientNetB7 for spatial 2D >>> model = EfficientNetBN("efficientnet-b7", spatial_dims=2) """ super().__init__() if spatial_dims not in (1, 2, 3): raise ValueError("spatial_dims can only be 1, 2 or 3.") # select the type of N-Dimensional layers to use # these are based on spatial dims and selected from MONAI factories conv_type: Type[Union[nn.Conv1d, nn.Conv2d, nn.Conv3d]] = Conv["conv", spatial_dims] batchnorm_type: Type[Union[nn.BatchNorm1d, nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.BatchNorm3d]] = Norm["batch", spatial_dims] adaptivepool_type: Type[Union[nn.AdaptiveAvgPool1d, nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d, nn.AdaptiveAvgPool3d]] = Pool[ "adaptiveavg", spatial_dims ] # decode blocks args into arguments for MBConvBlock blocks_args = _decode_block_list(blocks_args_str) # checks for successful decoding of blocks_args_str if not isinstance(blocks_args, list): raise ValueError("blocks_args must be a list") if blocks_args == []: raise ValueError("block_args must be non-empty") self._blocks_args = blocks_args self.num_classes = num_classes self.in_channels = in_channels self.drop_connect_rate = drop_connect_rate # expand input image dimensions to list current_image_size = [image_size] * spatial_dims # parameters for batch norm bn_mom = 1 - batch_norm_momentum # 1 - bn_m to convert tensorflow's arg to pytorch bn compatible bn_eps = batch_norm_epsilon # Stem stride = 2 out_channels = _round_filters(32, width_coefficient, depth_divisor) # number of output channels self._conv_stem = conv_type(self.in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, bias=False) self._conv_stem_padding = _make_same_padder(self._conv_stem, current_image_size) self._bn0 = batchnorm_type(num_features=out_channels, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps) current_image_size = _calculate_output_image_size(current_image_size, stride) # build MBConv blocks num_blocks = 0 self._blocks = nn.Sequential() # update baseline blocks to input/output filters and number of repeats based on width and depth multipliers. for idx, block_args in enumerate(self._blocks_args): block_args = block_args._replace( input_filters=_round_filters(block_args.input_filters, width_coefficient, depth_divisor), output_filters=_round_filters(block_args.output_filters, width_coefficient, depth_divisor), num_repeat=_round_repeats(block_args.num_repeat, depth_coefficient), ) self._blocks_args[idx] = block_args # calculate the total number of blocks - needed for drop_connect estimation num_blocks += block_args.num_repeat # create and add MBConvBlocks to self._blocks idx = 0 # block index counter for block_args in self._blocks_args: blk_drop_connect_rate = self.drop_connect_rate # scale drop connect_rate if blk_drop_connect_rate: blk_drop_connect_rate *= float(idx) / num_blocks # the first block needs to take care of stride and filter size increase. self._blocks.add_module( str(idx), MBConvBlock( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=block_args.input_filters, out_channels=block_args.output_filters, kernel_size=block_args.kernel_size, stride=block_args.stride, image_size=current_image_size, expand_ratio=block_args.expand_ratio, se_ratio=block_args.se_ratio, id_skip=block_args.id_skip, batch_norm_momentum=batch_norm_momentum, batch_norm_epsilon=batch_norm_epsilon, drop_connect_rate=blk_drop_connect_rate, ), ) idx += 1 # increment blocks index counter current_image_size = _calculate_output_image_size(current_image_size, block_args.stride) if block_args.num_repeat > 1: # modify block_args to keep same output size block_args = block_args._replace(input_filters=block_args.output_filters, stride=1) # add remaining block repeated num_repeat times for _ in range(block_args.num_repeat - 1): blk_drop_connect_rate = self.drop_connect_rate # scale drop connect_rate if blk_drop_connect_rate: blk_drop_connect_rate *= float(idx) / num_blocks # add blocks self._blocks.add_module( str(idx), MBConvBlock( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=block_args.input_filters, out_channels=block_args.output_filters, kernel_size=block_args.kernel_size, stride=block_args.stride, image_size=current_image_size, expand_ratio=block_args.expand_ratio, se_ratio=block_args.se_ratio, id_skip=block_args.id_skip, batch_norm_momentum=batch_norm_momentum, batch_norm_epsilon=batch_norm_epsilon, drop_connect_rate=blk_drop_connect_rate, ), ) idx += 1 # increment blocks index counter # sanity check to see if len(self._blocks) equal expected num_blocks if len(self._blocks) != num_blocks: raise ValueError("number of blocks created != num_blocks") # Head head_in_channels = block_args.output_filters out_channels = _round_filters(1280, width_coefficient, depth_divisor) self._conv_head = conv_type(head_in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self._conv_head_padding = _make_same_padder(self._conv_head, current_image_size) self._bn1 = batchnorm_type(num_features=out_channels, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps) # final linear layer self._avg_pooling = adaptivepool_type(1) self._dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_rate) self._fc = nn.Linear(out_channels, self.num_classes) # swish activation to use - using memory efficient swish by default # can be switched to normal swish using self.set_swish() function call self._swish = Act["memswish"]() # initialize weights using Tensorflow's init method from official impl. self._initialize_weights()
[docs] def set_swish(self, memory_efficient: bool = True) -> None: """ Sets swish function as memory efficient (for training) or standard (for JIT export). Args: memory_efficient: whether to use memory-efficient version of swish. """ self._swish = Act["memswish"]() if memory_efficient else Act["swish"](alpha=1.0) for block in self._blocks: block.set_swish(memory_efficient)
[docs] def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor): """ Args: inputs: input should have spatially N dimensions ``(Batch, in_channels, dim_0[, dim_1, ..., dim_N])``, N is defined by `dimensions`. Returns: A torch Tensor of classification prediction in shape ``(Batch, num_classes)``. """ # Stem x = self._conv_stem(self._conv_stem_padding(inputs)) x = self._swish(self._bn0(x)) # Blocks x = self._blocks(x) # Head x = self._conv_head(self._conv_head_padding(x)) x = self._swish(self._bn1(x)) # Pooling and final linear layer x = self._avg_pooling(x) x = x.flatten(start_dim=1) x = self._dropout(x) x = self._fc(x) return x
def _initialize_weights(self) -> None: """ Args: None, initializes weights for conv/linear/batchnorm layers following weight init methods from `official Tensorflow EfficientNet implementation <>`_. Adapted from `EfficientNet-PyTorch's init method <>`_. """ for _, m in self.named_modules(): if isinstance(m, (nn.Conv1d, nn.Conv2d, nn.Conv3d)): fan_out = reduce(operator.mul, m.kernel_size, 1) * m.out_channels, math.sqrt(2.0 / fan_out)) if m.bias is not None: elif isinstance(m, (nn.BatchNorm1d, nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.BatchNorm3d)): elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear): fan_out = m.weight.size(0) fan_in = 0 init_range = 1.0 / math.sqrt(fan_in + fan_out), init_range)
class EfficientNetBN(EfficientNet): def __init__( self, model_name: str, pretrained: bool = True, progress: bool = True, spatial_dims: int = 2, in_channels: int = 3, num_classes: int = 1000, ) -> None: """ Generic wrapper around EfficientNet, used to initialize EfficientNet-B0 to EfficientNet-B7 models model_name is mandatory argument as there is no EfficientNetBN itself, it needs the N in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] to be a model Args: model_name: name of model to initialize, can be from [efficientnet-b0, ..., efficientnet-b7]. pretrained: whether to initialize pretrained ImageNet weights, only available for spatial_dims=2. progress: whether to show download progress for pretrained weights download. spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions. in_channels: number of input channels. num_classes: number of output classes. """ # block args for EfficientNet-B0 to EfficientNet-B7 blocks_args_str = [ "r1_k3_s11_e1_i32_o16_se0.25", "r2_k3_s22_e6_i16_o24_se0.25", "r2_k5_s22_e6_i24_o40_se0.25", "r3_k3_s22_e6_i40_o80_se0.25", "r3_k5_s11_e6_i80_o112_se0.25", "r4_k5_s22_e6_i112_o192_se0.25", "r1_k3_s11_e6_i192_o320_se0.25", ] # check if model_name is valid model if model_name not in efficientnet_params.keys(): raise ValueError( "invalid model_name {} found, must be one of {} ".format( model_name, ", ".join(efficientnet_params.keys()) ) ) # get network parameters weight_coeff, depth_coeff, image_size, dropout_rate, dropconnect_rate = efficientnet_params[model_name] # create model and initialize random weights super(EfficientNetBN, self).__init__( blocks_args_str=blocks_args_str, spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, num_classes=num_classes, width_coefficient=weight_coeff, depth_coefficient=depth_coeff, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, image_size=image_size, drop_connect_rate=dropconnect_rate, ) # attempt to load pretrained is_default_model = (spatial_dims == 2) and (in_channels == 3) loadable_from_file = pretrained and is_default_model if loadable_from_file: # skip loading fc layers for transfer learning applications load_fc = num_classes == 1000 # only pretrained for when `spatial_dims` is 2 _load_state_dict(self, model_name, progress, load_fc) else: print( "Skipping loading pretrained weights for non-default {}, pretrained={}, is_default_model={}".format( model_name, pretrained, is_default_model ) ) def get_efficientnet_image_size(model_name: str) -> int: """ Get the input image size for a given efficientnet model. Args: model_name: name of model to initialize, can be from [efficientnet-b0, ..., efficientnet-b7]. Returns: Image size for single spatial dimension as integer. """ # check if model_name is valid model if model_name not in efficientnet_params.keys(): raise ValueError( "invalid model_name {} found, must be one of {} ".format(model_name, ", ".join(efficientnet_params.keys())) ) # return input image size (all dims equal so only need to return for one dim) _, _, res, _, _ = efficientnet_params[model_name] return res def drop_connect(inputs: torch.Tensor, p: float, training: bool) -> torch.Tensor: """ Drop connect layer that drops individual connections. Differs from dropout as dropconnect drops connections instead of whole neurons as in dropout. Based on `Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth <>`_. Adapted from `Official Tensorflow EfficientNet utils <>`_. This function is generalized for MONAI's N-Dimensional spatial activations e.g. 1D activations [B, C, H], 2D activations [B, C, H, W] and 3D activations [B, C, H, W, D] Args: input: input tensor with [B, C, dim_1, dim_2, ..., dim_N] where N=spatial_dims. p: probability to use for dropping connections. training: whether in training or evaluation mode. Returns: output: output tensor after applying drop connection. """ if p < 0.0 or p > 1.0: raise ValueError("p must be in range of [0, 1], found {}".format(p)) # eval mode: drop_connect is switched off - so return input without modifying if not training: return inputs # train mode: calculate and apply drop_connect batch_size: int = inputs.shape[0] keep_prob: float = 1 - p num_dims: int = len(inputs.shape) - 2 # build dimensions for random tensor, use num_dims to populate appropriate spatial dims random_tensor_shape: List[int] = [batch_size, 1] + [1] * num_dims # generate binary_tensor mask according to probability (p for 0, 1-p for 1) random_tensor: torch.Tensor = torch.rand(random_tensor_shape, dtype=inputs.dtype, device=inputs.device) random_tensor += keep_prob # round to form binary tensor binary_tensor: torch.Tensor = torch.floor(random_tensor) # drop connect using binary tensor output: torch.Tensor = inputs / keep_prob * binary_tensor return output def _load_state_dict(model: nn.Module, model_name: str, progress: bool, load_fc: bool) -> None: url_map = { "efficientnet-b0": "", "efficientnet-b1": "", "efficientnet-b2": "", "efficientnet-b3": "", "efficientnet-b4": "", "efficientnet-b5": "", "efficientnet-b6": "", "efficientnet-b7": "", } # load state dict from url model_url = url_map[model_name] state_dict = model_zoo.load_url(model_url, progress=progress) # load state dict into model parameters if load_fc: # load everything ret = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) if ret.missing_keys: raise ValueError("Found missing keys when loading pretrained weights: {}".format(ret.missing_keys)) else: # skip final FC layers, for transfer learning cases state_dict.pop("_fc.weight") state_dict.pop("_fc.bias") ret = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) # check if no other keys missing except FC layer parameters if set(ret.missing_keys) != {"_fc.weight", "_fc.bias"}: raise ValueError("Found missing keys when loading pretrained weights: {}".format(ret.missing_keys)) # check for any unexpected keys if ret.unexpected_keys: raise ValueError("Missing keys when loading pretrained weights: {}".format(ret.unexpected_keys)) def _get_same_padding_conv_nd( image_size: List[int], kernel_size: Tuple[int, ...], dilation: Tuple[int, ...], stride: Tuple[int, ...] ) -> List[int]: """ Helper for getting padding (nn.ConstantPadNd) to be used to get SAME padding conv operations similar to Tensorflow's SAME padding. This function is generalized for MONAI's N-Dimensional spatial operations (e.g. Conv1D, Conv2D, Conv3D) Args: image_size: input image/feature spatial size. kernel_size: conv kernel's spatial size. dilation: conv dilation rate for Atrous conv. stride: stride for conv operation. Returns: paddings for ConstantPadNd padder to be used on input tensor to conv op. """ # get number of spatial dimensions, corresponds to kernel size length num_dims = len(kernel_size) # additional checks to populate dilation and stride (in case they are single entry tuples) if len(dilation) == 1: dilation = dilation * num_dims if len(stride) == 1: stride = stride * num_dims # equation to calculate (pad^+ + pad^-) size _pad_size: List[int] = [ max((math.ceil(_i_s / _s) - 1) * _s + (_k_s - 1) * _d + 1 - _i_s, 0) for _i_s, _k_s, _d, _s in zip(image_size, kernel_size, dilation, stride) ] # distribute paddings into pad^+ and pad^- following Tensorflow's same padding strategy _paddings: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [(_p // 2, _p - _p // 2) for _p in _pad_size] # unroll list of tuples to tuples, and then to list # reversed as nn.ConstantPadNd expects paddings starting with last dimension _paddings_ret: List[int] = [outer for inner in reversed(_paddings) for outer in inner] return _paddings_ret def _make_same_padder(conv_op: Union[nn.Conv1d, nn.Conv2d, nn.Conv3d], image_size: List[int]): """ Helper for initializing ConstantPadNd with SAME padding similar to Tensorflow. Uses output of _get_same_padding_conv_nd() to get the padding size. This function is generalized for MONAI's N-Dimensional spatial operations (e.g. Conv1D, Conv2D, Conv3D) Args: conv_op: nn.ConvNd operation to extract parameters for op from image_size: input image/feature spatial size Returns: If padding required then nn.ConstandNd() padder initialized to paddings otherwise nn.Identity() """ # calculate padding required padding: List[int] = _get_same_padding_conv_nd(image_size, conv_op.kernel_size, conv_op.dilation, conv_op.stride) # initialize and return padder padder = Pad["constantpad", len(padding) // 2] if sum(padding) > 0: return padder(padding=padding, value=0.0) else: return nn.Identity() def _round_filters(filters: int, width_coefficient: Optional[float], depth_divisor: float) -> int: """ Calculate and round number of filters based on width coefficient multiplier and depth divisor. Args: filters: number of input filters. width_coefficient: width coefficient for model. depth_divisor: depth divisor to use. Returns: new_filters: new number of filters after calculation. """ if not width_coefficient: return filters multiplier: float = width_coefficient divisor: float = depth_divisor filters_float: float = filters * multiplier # follow the formula transferred from official TensorFlow implementation new_filters: float = max(divisor, int(filters_float + divisor / 2) // divisor * divisor) if new_filters < 0.9 * filters_float: # prevent rounding by more than 10% new_filters += divisor return int(new_filters) def _round_repeats(repeats: int, depth_coefficient: Optional[float]) -> int: """ Re-calculate module's repeat number of a block based on depth coefficient multiplier. Args: repeats: number of original repeats. depth_coefficient: depth coefficient for model. Returns: new repeat: new number of repeat after calculating. """ if not depth_coefficient: return repeats # follow the formula transferred from official TensorFlow impl. return int(math.ceil(depth_coefficient * repeats)) def _calculate_output_image_size(input_image_size: List[int], stride: Union[int, Tuple[int]]): """ Calculates the output image size when using _make_same_padder with a stride. Required for static padding. Args: input_image_size: input image/feature spatial size. stride: Conv2d operation"s stride. Returns: output_image_size: output image/feature spatial size. """ # get number of spatial dimensions, corresponds to image spatial size length num_dims = len(input_image_size) # checks to extract integer stride in case tuple was received if isinstance(stride, tuple): all_strides_equal = all([stride[0] == s for s in stride]) if not all_strides_equal: raise ValueError("unequal strides are not possible, got {}".format(stride)) stride = stride[0] # return output image size return [int(math.ceil(im_sz / stride)) for im_sz in input_image_size] def _decode_block_list(string_list: List[str]): """ Decode a list of string notations to specify blocks inside the network. Args: string_list: a list of strings, each string is a notation of block. Returns: blocks_args: a list of BlockArgs namedtuples of block args. """ # Parameters for an individual model block # namedtuple with defaults for mypy help from: # class BlockArgs(NamedTuple): num_repeat: int kernel_size: int stride: int expand_ratio: int input_filters: int output_filters: int id_skip: bool se_ratio: Optional[float] = None def _decode_block_string(block_string: str): """ Get a block through a string notation of arguments. Args: block_string (str): A string notation of arguments. Examples: "r1_k3_s11_e1_i32_o16_se0.25". Returns: BlockArgs: namedtuple defined at the top of this function. """ ops = block_string.split("_") options = {} for op in ops: splits = re.split(r"(\d.*)", op) if len(splits) >= 2: key, value = splits[:2] options[key] = value # check stride stride_check = ( ("s" in options and len(options["s"]) == 1) or (len(options["s"]) == 2 and options["s"][0] == options["s"][1]) or (len(options["s"]) == 3 and options["s"][0] == options["s"][1] and options["s"][0] == options["s"][2]) ) if not stride_check: raise ValueError("invalid stride option received") return BlockArgs( num_repeat=int(options["r"]), kernel_size=int(options["k"]), stride=int(options["s"][0]), expand_ratio=int(options["e"]), input_filters=int(options["i"]), output_filters=int(options["o"]), id_skip=("noskip" not in block_string), se_ratio=float(options["se"]) if "se" in options else None, ) # convert block strings into BlockArgs for each entry in string_list list blocks_args: List[BlockArgs] = [] for current_string in string_list: blocks_args.append(_decode_block_string(current_string)) # return blocks_args list, to be used for arguments of MBConv layers in EfficientNet return blocks_args