Source code for monai.transforms.utils

# Copyright 2020 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import itertools
import random
import warnings
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from monai.config import IndexSelection
from monai.networks.layers import GaussianFilter
from monai.utils import ensure_tuple, ensure_tuple_rep, ensure_tuple_size, fall_back_tuple, min_version, optional_import

measure, _ = optional_import("skimage.measure", "0.14.2", min_version)

[docs]def rand_choice(prob: float = 0.5) -> bool: """ Returns True if a randomly chosen number is less than or equal to `prob`, by default this is a 50/50 chance. """ return bool(random.random() <= prob)
[docs]def img_bounds(img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the minimum and maximum indices of non-zero lines in axis 0 of `img`, followed by that for axis 1. """ ax0 = np.any(img, axis=0) ax1 = np.any(img, axis=1) return np.concatenate((np.where(ax0)[0][[0, -1]], np.where(ax1)[0][[0, -1]]))
[docs]def in_bounds(x: float, y: float, margin: float, maxx: float, maxy: float) -> bool: """ Returns True if (x,y) is within the rectangle (margin, margin, maxx-margin, maxy-margin). """ return bool(margin <= x < (maxx - margin) and margin <= y < (maxy - margin))
[docs]def is_empty(img: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]) -> bool: """ Returns True if `img` is empty, that is its maximum value is not greater than its minimum. """ return not (img.max() > img.min()) # use > instead of <= so that an image full of NaNs will result in True
[docs]def zero_margins(img: np.ndarray, margin: int) -> bool: """ Returns True if the values within `margin` indices of the edges of `img` in dimensions 1 and 2 are 0. """ if np.any(img[:, :, :margin]) or np.any(img[:, :, -margin:]): return False return not np.any(img[:, :margin, :]) and not np.any(img[:, -margin:, :])
[docs]def rescale_array( arr: np.ndarray, minv: float = 0.0, maxv: float = 1.0, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = np.float32 ) -> np.ndarray: """ Rescale the values of numpy array `arr` to be from `minv` to `maxv`. """ if dtype is not None: arr = arr.astype(dtype) mina = np.min(arr) maxa = np.max(arr) if mina == maxa: return arr * minv norm = (arr - mina) / (maxa - mina) # normalize the array first return (norm * (maxv - minv)) + minv # rescale by minv and maxv, which is the normalized array by default
[docs]def rescale_instance_array( arr: np.ndarray, minv: float = 0.0, maxv: float = 1.0, dtype: np.dtype = np.float32 ) -> np.ndarray: """ Rescale each array slice along the first dimension of `arr` independently. """ out: np.ndarray = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype) for i in range(arr.shape[0]): out[i] = rescale_array(arr[i], minv, maxv, dtype) return out
[docs]def rescale_array_int_max(arr: np.ndarray, dtype: np.dtype = np.uint16) -> np.ndarray: """ Rescale the array `arr` to be between the minimum and maximum values of the type `dtype`. """ info: np.iinfo = np.iinfo(dtype) return rescale_array(arr, info.min, info.max).astype(dtype)
[docs]def copypaste_arrays( src_shape, dest_shape, srccenter: Sequence[int], destcenter: Sequence[int], dims: Sequence[Optional[int]], ) -> Tuple[Tuple[slice, ...], Tuple[slice, ...]]: """ Calculate the slices to copy a sliced area of array in `src_shape` into array in `dest_shape`. The area has dimensions `dims` (use 0 or None to copy everything in that dimension), the source area is centered at `srccenter` index in `src` and copied into area centered at `destcenter` in `dest`. The dimensions of the copied area will be clipped to fit within the source and destination arrays so a smaller area may be copied than expected. Return value is the tuples of slice objects indexing the copied area in `src`, and those indexing the copy area in `dest`. Example .. code-block:: python src_shape = (6,6) src = np.random.randint(0,10,src_shape) dest = np.zeros_like(src) srcslices, destslices = copypaste_arrays(src_shape, dest.shape, (3, 2),(2, 1),(3, 4)) dest[destslices] = src[srcslices] print(src) print(dest) >>> [[9 5 6 6 9 6] [4 3 5 6 1 2] [0 7 3 2 4 1] [3 0 0 1 5 1] [9 4 7 1 8 2] [6 6 5 8 6 7]] [[0 0 0 0 0 0] [7 3 2 4 0 0] [0 0 1 5 0 0] [4 7 1 8 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0]] """ s_ndim = len(src_shape) d_ndim = len(dest_shape) srcslices = [slice(None)] * s_ndim destslices = [slice(None)] * d_ndim for i, ss, ds, sc, dc, dim in zip(range(s_ndim), src_shape, dest_shape, srccenter, destcenter, dims): if dim: # dimension before midpoint, clip to size fitting in both arrays d1 = np.clip(dim // 2, 0, min(sc, dc)) # dimension after midpoint, clip to size fitting in both arrays d2 = np.clip(dim // 2 + 1, 0, min(ss - sc, ds - dc)) srcslices[i] = slice(sc - d1, sc + d2) destslices[i] = slice(dc - d1, dc + d2) return tuple(srcslices), tuple(destslices)
[docs]def resize_center( img: np.ndarray, *resize_dims: Optional[int], fill_value: float = 0.0, inplace: bool = True ) -> np.ndarray: """ Resize `img` by cropping or expanding the image from the center. The `resize_dims` values are the output dimensions (or None to use original dimension of `img`). If a dimension is smaller than that of `img` then the result will be cropped and if larger padded with zeros, in both cases this is done relative to the center of `img`. The result is a new image with the specified dimensions and values from `img` copied into its center. """ resize_dims = fall_back_tuple(resize_dims, img.shape) half_img_shape = np.asarray(img.shape) // 2 half_dest_shape = np.asarray(resize_dims) // 2 srcslices, destslices = copypaste_arrays(img.shape, resize_dims, half_img_shape, half_dest_shape, resize_dims) if not inplace: dest = np.full(resize_dims, fill_value, img.dtype) dest[destslices] = img[srcslices] return dest return img[srcslices]
[docs]def map_binary_to_indices( label: np.ndarray, image: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, image_threshold: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Compute the foreground and background of input label data, return the indices after fattening. For example: ``label = np.array([[[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]])`` ``foreground indices = np.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7])`` and ``background indices = np.array([0, 4, 8])`` Args: label: use the label data to get the foreground/background information. image: if image is not None, use ``label = 0 & image > image_threshold`` to define background. so the output items will not map to all the voxels in the label. image_threshold: if enabled `image`, use ``image > image_threshold`` to determine the valid image content area and select background only in this area. """ # Prepare fg/bg indices if label.shape[0] > 1: label = label[1:] # for One-Hot format data, remove the background channel label_flat = np.any(label, axis=0).ravel() # in case label has multiple dimensions fg_indices = np.nonzero(label_flat)[0] if image is not None: img_flat = np.any(image > image_threshold, axis=0).ravel() bg_indices = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(img_flat, ~label_flat))[0] else: bg_indices = np.nonzero(~label_flat)[0] return fg_indices, bg_indices
[docs]def weighted_patch_samples( spatial_size: Union[int, Sequence[int]], w: np.ndarray, n_samples: int = 1, r_state: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, ) -> List: """ Computes `n_samples` of random patch sampling locations, given the sampling weight map `w` and patch `spatial_size`. Args: spatial_size: length of each spatial dimension of the patch. w: weight map, the weights must be non-negative. each element denotes a sampling weight of the spatial location. 0 indicates no sampling. The weight map shape is assumed ``(spatial_dim_0, spatial_dim_1, ..., spatial_dim_n)``. n_samples: number of patch samples r_state: a random state container Returns: a list of `n_samples` N-D integers representing the spatial sampling location of patches. """ if w is None: raise ValueError("w must be an ND array.") if r_state is None: r_state = np.random.RandomState() img_size = np.asarray(w.shape, win_size = np.asarray(fall_back_tuple(spatial_size, img_size), s = tuple(slice(w // 2, m - w + w // 2) if m > w else slice(m // 2, m // 2 + 1) for w, m in zip(win_size, img_size)) v = w[s] # weight map in the 'valid' mode v_size = v.shape v = v.ravel() if np.any(v < 0): v -= np.min(v) # shifting to non-negative v = v.cumsum() if not v[-1] or not np.isfinite(v[-1]) or v[-1] < 0: # uniform sampling idx = r_state.randint(0, len(v), size=n_samples) else: idx = v.searchsorted(r_state.random(n_samples) * v[-1], side="right") # compensate 'valid' mode diff = np.minimum(win_size, img_size) // 2 return [np.unravel_index(i, v_size) + diff for i in np.asarray(idx,]
[docs]def generate_pos_neg_label_crop_centers( spatial_size: Union[Sequence[int], int], num_samples: int, pos_ratio: float, label_spatial_shape: Sequence[int], fg_indices: np.ndarray, bg_indices: np.ndarray, rand_state: np.random.RandomState = np.random, ) -> List[List[np.ndarray]]: """ Generate valid sample locations based on the label with option for specifying foreground ratio Valid: samples sitting entirely within image, expected input shape: [C, H, W, D] or [C, H, W] Args: spatial_size: spatial size of the ROIs to be sampled. num_samples: total sample centers to be generated. pos_ratio: ratio of total locations generated that have center being foreground. label_spatial_shape: spatial shape of the original label data to unravel selected centers. fg_indices: pre-computed foreground indices in 1 dimension. bg_indices: pre-computed background indices in 1 dimension. rand_state: numpy randomState object to align with other modules. Raises: ValueError: When the proposed roi is larger than the image. ValueError: When the foreground and background indices lengths are 0. """ spatial_size = fall_back_tuple(spatial_size, default=label_spatial_shape) if not (np.subtract(label_spatial_shape, spatial_size) >= 0).all(): raise ValueError("The proposed roi is larger than the image.") # Select subregion to assure valid roi valid_start = np.floor_divide(spatial_size, 2) # add 1 for random valid_end = np.subtract(label_spatial_shape + np.array(1), spatial_size / np.array(2)).astype(np.uint16) # int generation to have full range on upper side, but subtract unfloored size/2 to prevent rounded range # from being too high for i in range(len(valid_start)): # need this because np.random.randint does not work with same start and end if valid_start[i] == valid_end[i]: valid_end[i] += 1 def _correct_centers( center_ori: List[np.ndarray], valid_start: np.ndarray, valid_end: np.ndarray ) -> List[np.ndarray]: for i, c in enumerate(center_ori): center_i = c if c < valid_start[i]: center_i = valid_start[i] if c >= valid_end[i]: center_i = valid_end[i] - 1 center_ori[i] = center_i return center_ori centers = [] if not len(fg_indices) or not len(bg_indices): if not len(fg_indices) and not len(bg_indices): raise ValueError("No sampling location available.") warnings.warn( f"N foreground {len(fg_indices)}, N background {len(bg_indices)}," "unable to generate class balanced samples." ) pos_ratio = 0 if not len(fg_indices) else 1 for _ in range(num_samples): indices_to_use = fg_indices if rand_state.rand() < pos_ratio else bg_indices random_int = rand_state.randint(len(indices_to_use)) center = np.unravel_index(indices_to_use[random_int], label_spatial_shape) # shift center to range of valid centers center_ori = list(center) centers.append(_correct_centers(center_ori, valid_start, valid_end)) return centers
[docs]def apply_transform(transform: Callable, data, map_items: bool = True): """ Transform `data` with `transform`. If `data` is a list or tuple and `map_data` is True, each item of `data` will be transformed and this method returns a list of outcomes. otherwise transform will be applied once with `data` as the argument. Args: transform: a callable to be used to transform `data` data: an object to be transformed. map_items: whether to apply transform to each item in `data`, if `data` is a list or tuple. Defaults to True. Raises: Exception: When ``transform`` raises an exception. """ try: if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) and map_items: return [transform(item) for item in data] return transform(data) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"applying transform {transform}") from e
[docs]def create_grid( spatial_size: Sequence[int], spacing: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, homogeneous: bool = True, dtype: np.dtype = float, ) -> np.ndarray: """ compute a `spatial_size` mesh. Args: spatial_size: spatial size of the grid. spacing: same len as ``spatial_size``, defaults to 1.0 (dense grid). homogeneous: whether to make homogeneous coordinates. dtype: output grid data type. """ spacing = spacing or tuple(1.0 for _ in spatial_size) ranges = [np.linspace(-(d - 1.0) / 2.0 * s, (d - 1.0) / 2.0 * s, int(d)) for d, s in zip(spatial_size, spacing)] coords = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(*ranges, indexing="ij"), dtype=dtype) if not homogeneous: return coords return np.concatenate([coords, np.ones_like(coords[:1])])
[docs]def create_control_grid( spatial_shape: Sequence[int], spacing: Sequence[float], homogeneous: bool = True, dtype: np.dtype = float ) -> np.ndarray: """ control grid with two additional point in each direction """ grid_shape = [] for d, s in zip(spatial_shape, spacing): d = int(d) if d % 2 == 0: grid_shape.append(np.ceil((d - 1.0) / (2.0 * s) + 0.5) * 2.0 + 2.0) else: grid_shape.append(np.ceil((d - 1.0) / (2.0 * s)) * 2.0 + 3.0) return create_grid(grid_shape, spacing, homogeneous, dtype)
[docs]def create_rotate(spatial_dims: int, radians: Union[Sequence[float], float]) -> np.ndarray: """ create a 2D or 3D rotation matrix Args: spatial_dims: {``2``, ``3``} spatial rank radians: rotation radians when spatial_dims == 3, the `radians` sequence corresponds to rotation in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dim respectively. Raises: ValueError: When ``radians`` is empty. ValueError: When ``spatial_dims`` is not one of [2, 3]. """ radians = ensure_tuple(radians) if spatial_dims == 2: if len(radians) >= 1: sin_, cos_ = np.sin(radians[0]), np.cos(radians[0]) return np.array([[cos_, -sin_, 0.0], [sin_, cos_, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) raise ValueError("radians must be non empty.") elif spatial_dims == 3: affine = None if len(radians) >= 1: sin_, cos_ = np.sin(radians[0]), np.cos(radians[0]) affine = np.array( [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, cos_, -sin_, 0.0], [0.0, sin_, cos_, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] ) if len(radians) >= 2: sin_, cos_ = np.sin(radians[1]), np.cos(radians[1]) affine = affine @ np.array( [[cos_, 0.0, sin_, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-sin_, 0.0, cos_, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] ) if len(radians) >= 3: sin_, cos_ = np.sin(radians[2]), np.cos(radians[2]) affine = affine @ np.array( [[cos_, -sin_, 0.0, 0.0], [sin_, cos_, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] ) if affine is None: raise ValueError("radians must be non empty.") return affine raise ValueError(f"Unsupported spatial_dims: {spatial_dims}, available options are [2, 3].")
[docs]def create_shear(spatial_dims: int, coefs: Union[Sequence[float], float]) -> np.ndarray: """ create a shearing matrix Args: spatial_dims: spatial rank coefs: shearing factors, defaults to 0. Raises: NotImplementedError: When ``spatial_dims`` is not one of [2, 3]. """ if spatial_dims == 2: coefs = ensure_tuple_size(coefs, dim=2, pad_val=0.0) return np.array([[1, coefs[0], 0.0], [coefs[1], 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) elif spatial_dims == 3: coefs = ensure_tuple_size(coefs, dim=6, pad_val=0.0) return np.array( [ [1.0, coefs[0], coefs[1], 0.0], [coefs[2], 1.0, coefs[3], 0.0], [coefs[4], coefs[5], 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ] ) raise NotImplementedError("Currently only spatial_dims in [2, 3] are supported.")
[docs]def create_scale(spatial_dims: int, scaling_factor: Union[Sequence[float], float]) -> np.ndarray: """ create a scaling matrix Args: spatial_dims: spatial rank scaling_factor: scaling factors, defaults to 1. """ scaling_factor = ensure_tuple_size(scaling_factor, dim=spatial_dims, pad_val=1.0) return np.diag(scaling_factor[:spatial_dims] + (1.0,))
[docs]def create_translate(spatial_dims: int, shift: Union[Sequence[float], float]) -> np.ndarray: """ create a translation matrix Args: spatial_dims: spatial rank shift: translate factors, defaults to 0. """ shift = ensure_tuple(shift) affine = np.eye(spatial_dims + 1) for i, a in enumerate(shift[:spatial_dims]): affine[i, spatial_dims] = a return affine
[docs]def generate_spatial_bounding_box( img: np.ndarray, select_fn: Callable = lambda x: x > 0, channel_indices: Optional[IndexSelection] = None, margin: Union[Sequence[int], int] = 0, ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]: """ generate the spatial bounding box of foreground in the image with start-end positions. Users can define arbitrary function to select expected foreground from the whole image or specified channels. And it can also add margin to every dim of the bounding box. The output format of the coordinates is: [1st_spatial_dim_start, 2nd_spatial_dim_start, ..., Nth_spatial_dim_start], [1st_spatial_dim_end, 2nd_spatial_dim_end, ..., Nth_spatial_dim_end] The bounding boxes edges are aligned with the input image edges. This function returns [-1, -1, ...], [-1, -1, ...] if there's no positive intensity. Args: img: source image to generate bounding box from. select_fn: function to select expected foreground, default is to select values > 0. channel_indices: if defined, select foreground only on the specified channels of image. if None, select foreground on the whole image. margin: add margin value to spatial dims of the bounding box, if only 1 value provided, use it for all dims. """ data = img[list(ensure_tuple(channel_indices))] if channel_indices is not None else img data = np.any(select_fn(data), axis=0) ndim = len(data.shape) margin = ensure_tuple_rep(margin, ndim) for m in margin: if m < 0: raise ValueError("margin value should not be negative number.") box_start = [0] * ndim box_end = [0] * ndim for di, ax in enumerate(itertools.combinations(reversed(range(ndim)), ndim - 1)): dt = data.any(axis=ax) if not np.any(dt): return [-1] * ndim, [-1] * ndim min_d = max(np.argmax(dt) - margin[di], 0) max_d = max(data.shape[di] - max(np.argmax(dt[::-1]) - margin[di], 0), min_d + 1) box_start[di], box_end[di] = min_d, max_d return box_start, box_end
[docs]def get_largest_connected_component_mask(img: torch.Tensor, connectivity: Optional[int] = None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Gets the largest connected component mask of an image. Args: img: Image to get largest connected component from. Shape is (batch_size, spatial_dim1 [, spatial_dim2, ...]) connectivity: Maximum number of orthogonal hops to consider a pixel/voxel as a neighbor. Accepted values are ranging from 1 to input.ndim. If ``None``, a full connectivity of ``input.ndim`` is used. """ img_arr = img.detach().cpu().numpy() largest_cc = np.zeros(shape=img_arr.shape, dtype=img_arr.dtype) for i, item in enumerate(img_arr): item = measure.label(item, connectivity=connectivity) if item.max() != 0: largest_cc[i, ...] = item == (np.argmax(np.bincount(item.flat)[1:]) + 1) return torch.as_tensor(largest_cc, device=img.device)
[docs]def get_extreme_points( img: np.ndarray, rand_state: np.random.RandomState = np.random, background: int = 0, pert: float = 0.0 ) -> List[Tuple[int, ...]]: """ Generate extreme points from an image. These are used to generate initial segmentation for annotation models. An optional perturbation can be passed to simulate user clicks. Args: img: Image to generate extreme points from. Expected Shape is ``(spatial_dim1, [, spatial_dim2, ...])``. rand_state: `np.random.RandomState` object used to select random indices. background: Value to be consider as background, defaults to 0. pert: Random perturbation amount to add to the points, defaults to 0.0. Returns: A list of extreme points, its length is equal to 2 * spatial dimension of input image. The output format of the coordinates is: [1st_spatial_dim_min, 1st_spatial_dim_max, 2nd_spatial_dim_min, ..., Nth_spatial_dim_max] Raises: ValueError: When the input image does not have any foreground pixel. """ indices = np.where(img != background) if np.size(indices[0]) == 0: raise ValueError("get_extreme_points: no foreground object in mask!") def _get_point(val, dim): """ Select one of the indices within slice containing val. Args: val : value for comparison dim : dimension in which to look for value """ idx = rand_state.choice(np.where(indices[dim] == val)[0]) pt = [] for j in range(img.ndim): # add +- pert to each dimension val = int(indices[j][idx] + 2.0 * pert * (rand_state.rand() - 0.5)) val = max(val, 0) val = min(val, img.shape[j] - 1) pt.append(val) return pt points = [] for i in range(img.ndim): points.append(tuple(_get_point(np.min(indices[i][...]), i))) points.append(tuple(_get_point(np.max(indices[i][...]), i))) return points
[docs]def extreme_points_to_image( points: List[Tuple[int, ...]], label: np.ndarray, sigma: Union[Sequence[float], float, Sequence[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] = 0.0, rescale_min: float = -1.0, rescale_max: float = 1.0, ): """ Please refer to :py:class:`monai.transforms.AddExtremePointsChannel` for the usage. Applies a gaussian filter to the extreme points image. Then the pixel values in points image are rescaled to range [rescale_min, rescale_max]. Args: points: Extreme points of the object/organ. label: label image to get extreme points from. Shape must be (1, spatial_dim1, [, spatial_dim2, ...]). Doesn't support one-hot labels. sigma: if a list of values, must match the count of spatial dimensions of input data, and apply every value in the list to 1 spatial dimension. if only 1 value provided, use it for all spatial dimensions. rescale_min: minimum value of output data. rescale_max: maximum value of output data. """ # points to image points_image = torch.zeros(label.shape[1:], dtype=torch.float) for p in points: points_image[p] = 1.0 # add channel and add batch points_image = points_image.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) gaussian_filter = GaussianFilter(label.ndim - 1, sigma=sigma) points_image = gaussian_filter(points_image).squeeze(0).detach().numpy() # rescale the points image to [rescale_min, rescale_max] min_intensity = np.min(points_image) max_intensity = np.max(points_image) points_image = (points_image - min_intensity) / (max_intensity - min_intensity) points_image = points_image * (rescale_max - rescale_min) + rescale_min return points_image