Source code for monai.transforms.transforms

# Copyright 2020 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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A collection of "vanilla" transforms

import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
import nibabel as nib
from PIL import Image
import torch
from import np_str_obj_array_pattern
from skimage.transform import resize

from import (get_random_patch, get_valid_patch_size, correct_nifti_header_if_necessary, zoom_affine,
                              compute_shape_offset, to_affine_nd)
from monai.networks.layers.simplelayers import GaussianFilter
from monai.transforms.compose import Transform, Randomizable
from monai.transforms.utils import (create_control_grid, create_grid, create_rotate, create_scale, create_shear,
                                    create_translate, rescale_array, generate_spatial_bounding_box)
from monai.utils.misc import ensure_tuple

[docs]class Spacing(Transform): """ Resample input image into the specified `pixdim`. """ def __init__(self, pixdim, diagonal=False, mode='constant', cval=0, dtype=None): """ Args: pixdim (sequence of floats): output voxel spacing. diagonal (bool): whether to resample the input to have a diagonal affine matrix. If True, the input data is resampled to the following affine:: np.diag((pixdim_0, pixdim_1, ..., pixdim_n, 1)) This effectively resets the volume to the world coordinate system (RAS+ in nibabel). The original orientation, rotation, shearing are not preserved. If False, this transform preserves the axes orientation, orthogonal rotation and translation components from the original affine. This option will not flip/swap axes of the original data. mode (`reflect|constant|nearest|mirror|wrap`): The mode parameter determines how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries. cval (scalar): Value to fill past edges of input if mode is "constant". Default is 0.0. dtype (None or np.dtype): output array data type, defaults to None to use input data's dtype. """ self.pixdim = np.array(ensure_tuple(pixdim), dtype=np.float64) self.diagonal = diagonal self.mode = mode self.cval = cval self.dtype = dtype
[docs] def __call__(self, data_array, affine=None, interp_order=3): """ Args: data_array (ndarray): in shape (num_channels, H[, W, ...]). affine (matrix): (N+1)x(N+1) original affine matrix for spatially ND `data_array`. Defaults to identity. interp_order (int): The order of the spline interpolation, default is 3. The order has to be in the range 0-5. Returns: data_array (resampled into `self.pixdim`), original pixdim, current pixdim. """ sr = data_array.ndim - 1 if sr <= 0: raise ValueError('the array should have at least one spatial dimension.') if affine is None: # default to identity affine = np.eye(sr + 1, dtype=np.float64) affine_ = np.eye(sr + 1, dtype=np.float64) else: affine_ = to_affine_nd(sr, affine) out_d = self.pixdim[:sr] if out_d.size < sr: out_d = np.append(out_d, [1.] * (out_d.size - sr)) if np.any(out_d <= 0): raise ValueError('pixdim must be positive, got {}'.format(out_d)) # compute output affine, shape and offset new_affine = zoom_affine(affine_, out_d, diagonal=self.diagonal) output_shape, offset = compute_shape_offset(data_array.shape[1:], affine_, new_affine) new_affine[:sr, -1] = offset[:sr] transform = np.linalg.inv(affine_) @ new_affine # adapt to the actual rank transform_ = to_affine_nd(sr, transform) # resample dtype = data_array.dtype if self.dtype is None else self.dtype output_data = [] for data in data_array: data_ = scipy.ndimage.affine_transform( data.astype(dtype), matrix=transform_, output_shape=output_shape, order=interp_order, mode=self.mode, cval=self.cval) output_data.append(data_) output_data = np.stack(output_data) new_affine = to_affine_nd(affine, new_affine) return output_data, affine, new_affine
[docs]class Orientation(Transform): """ Change the input image's orientation into the specified based on `axcodes`. """ def __init__(self, axcodes=None, as_closest_canonical=False, labels=tuple(zip('LPI', 'RAS'))): """ Args: axcodes (N elements sequence): for spatial ND input's orientation. e.g. axcodes='RAS' represents 3D orientation: (Left, Right), (Posterior, Anterior), (Inferior, Superior). default orientation labels options are: 'L' and 'R' for the first dimension, 'P' and 'A' for the second, 'I' and 'S' for the third. as_closest_canonical (boo): if True, load the image as closest to canonical axis format. labels : optional, None or sequence of (2,) sequences (2,) sequences are labels for (beginning, end) of output axis. Defaults to ``(('L', 'R'), ('P', 'A'), ('I', 'S'))``. See Also: `nibabel.orientations.ornt2axcodes`. """ if axcodes is None and not as_closest_canonical: raise ValueError('provide either `axcodes` or `as_closest_canonical=True`.') if axcodes is not None and as_closest_canonical: warnings.warn('using as_closest_canonical=True, axcodes ignored.') self.axcodes = axcodes self.as_closest_canonical = as_closest_canonical self.labels = labels
[docs] def __call__(self, data_array, affine=None): """ original orientation of `data_array` is defined by `affine`. Args: data_array (ndarray): in shape (num_channels, H[, W, ...]). affine (matrix): (N+1)x(N+1) original affine matrix for spatially ND `data_array`. Defaults to identity. Returns: data_array (reoriented in `self.axcodes`), original axcodes, current axcodes. """ sr = data_array.ndim - 1 if sr <= 0: raise ValueError('the array should have at least one spatial dimension.') if affine is None: affine = np.eye(sr + 1, dtype=np.float64) affine_ = np.eye(sr + 1, dtype=np.float64) else: affine_ = to_affine_nd(sr, affine) src = nib.io_orientation(affine_) if self.as_closest_canonical: spatial_ornt = src else: dst = nib.orientations.axcodes2ornt(self.axcodes[:sr], labels=self.labels) if len(dst) < sr: raise ValueError('`self.axcodes` should have at least {0} elements' ' given the data array is in spatial {0}D, got "{1}"'.format(sr, self.axcodes)) spatial_ornt = nib.orientations.ornt_transform(src, dst) ornt = spatial_ornt.copy() ornt[:, 0] += 1 # skip channel dim ornt = np.concatenate([np.array([[0, 1]]), ornt]) shape = data_array.shape[1:] data_array = nib.orientations.apply_orientation(data_array, ornt) new_affine = affine_ @ nib.orientations.inv_ornt_aff(spatial_ornt, shape) new_affine = to_affine_nd(affine, new_affine) return data_array, affine, new_affine
[docs]class LoadNifti(Transform): """ Load Nifti format file or files from provided path. If loading a list of files, stack them together and add a new dimension as first dimension, and use the meta data of the first image to represent the stacked result. Note that the affine transform of all the images should be same if ``image_only=False``. """ def __init__(self, as_closest_canonical=False, image_only=False, dtype=np.float32): """ Args: as_closest_canonical (bool): if True, load the image as closest to canonical axis format. image_only (bool): if True return only the image volume, otherwise return image data array and header dict. dtype (np.dtype, optional): if not None convert the loaded image to this data type. Note: The transform returns image data array if `image_only` is True, or a tuple of two elements containing the data array, and the Nifti header in a dict format otherwise. if a dictionary header is returned: - header['affine'] stores the affine of the image. - header['original_affine'] will be additionally created to store the original affine. """ self.as_closest_canonical = as_closest_canonical self.image_only = image_only self.dtype = dtype
[docs] def __call__(self, filename): """ Args: filename (str, list, tuple, file): path file or file-like object or a list of files. """ filename = ensure_tuple(filename) img_array = list() compatible_meta = dict() for name in filename: img = nib.load(name) img = correct_nifti_header_if_necessary(img) header = dict(img.header) header['filename_or_obj'] = name header['affine'] = img.affine header['original_affine'] = img.affine.copy() header['as_closest_canonical'] = self.as_closest_canonical ndim = img.header['dim'][0] spatial_rank = min(ndim, 3) header['spatial_shape'] = img.header['dim'][1:spatial_rank + 1] if self.as_closest_canonical: img = nib.as_closest_canonical(img) header['affine'] = img.affine img_array.append(np.array(img.get_fdata(dtype=self.dtype))) img.uncache() if self.image_only: continue if not compatible_meta: for meta_key in header: meta_datum = header[meta_key] if type(meta_datum).__name__ == 'ndarray' \ and is not None: continue compatible_meta[meta_key] = meta_datum else: assert np.allclose(header['affine'], compatible_meta['affine']), \ 'affine data of all images should be same.' img_array = np.stack(img_array, axis=0) if len(img_array) > 1 else img_array[0] if self.image_only: return img_array return img_array, compatible_meta
[docs]class LoadPNG(Transform): """ Load common 2D image format (PNG, JPG, etc. using PIL) file or files from provided path. It's based on the Image module in PIL library. """ def __init__(self, dtype=np.float32): """Args: dtype (np.dtype, optional): if not None convert the loaded image to this data type. """ self.dtype = dtype
[docs] def __call__(self, filename): """ Args: filename (str, list, tuple, file): path file or file-like object or a list of files. """ filename = ensure_tuple(filename) img_array = list() for name in filename: img = np.asarray( if self.dtype: img = img.astype(self.dtype) img_array.append(img) return np.stack(img_array, axis=0) if len(img_array) > 1 else img_array[0]
[docs]class AsChannelFirst(Transform): """ Change the channel dimension of the image to the first dimension. Most of the image transformations in ``monai.transforms`` assume the input image is in the channel-first format, which has the shape (num_channels, spatial_dim_1[, spatial_dim_2, ...]). This transform could be used to convert, for example, a channel-last image array in shape (spatial_dim_1[, spatial_dim_2, ...], num_channels) into the channel-first format, so that the multidimensional image array can be correctly interpreted by the other transforms. Args: channel_dim (int): which dimension of input image is the channel, default is the last dimension. """ def __init__(self, channel_dim=-1): assert isinstance(channel_dim, int) and channel_dim >= -1, 'invalid channel dimension.' self.channel_dim = channel_dim
[docs] def __call__(self, img): return np.moveaxis(img, self.channel_dim, 0)
[docs]class AsChannelLast(Transform): """ Change the channel dimension of the image to the last dimension. Some of other 3rd party transforms assume the input image is in the channel-last format with shape (spatial_dim_1[, spatial_dim_2, ...], num_channels). This transform could be used to convert, for example, a channel-first image array in shape (num_channels, spatial_dim_1[, spatial_dim_2, ...]) into the channel-last format, so that MONAI transforms can construct a chain with other 3rd party transforms together. Args: channel_dim (int): which dimension of input image is the channel, default is the first dimension. """ def __init__(self, channel_dim=0): assert isinstance(channel_dim, int) and channel_dim >= -1, 'invalid channel dimension.' self.channel_dim = channel_dim
[docs] def __call__(self, img): return np.moveaxis(img, self.channel_dim, -1)
[docs]class AddChannel(Transform): """ Adds a 1-length channel dimension to the input image. Most of the image transformations in ``monai.transforms`` assumes the input image is in the channel-first format, which has the shape (num_channels, spatial_dim_1[, spatial_dim_2, ...]). This transform could be used, for example, to convert a (spatial_dim_1[, spatial_dim_2, ...]) spatial image into the channel-first format so that the multidimensional image array can be correctly interpreted by the other transforms. """
[docs] def __call__(self, img): return img[None]
[docs]class RepeatChannel(Transform): """ Repeat channel data to construct expected input shape for models. The `repeats` count includes the origin data, for example: ``RepeatChannel(repeats=2)([[1, 2], [3, 4]])`` generates: ``[[1, 2], [1, 2], [3, 4], [3, 4]]`` Args: repeats (int): the number of repetitions for each element. """ def __init__(self, repeats): assert repeats > 0, 'repeats count must be greater than 0.' self.repeats = repeats
[docs] def __call__(self, img): return np.repeat(img, self.repeats, 0)
[docs]class CastToType(Transform): """ Cast the image data to specified numpy data type. """ def __init__(self, dtype=np.float32): """ Args: dtype (np.dtype): convert image to this data type, default is `np.float32`. """ self.dtype = dtype
[docs] def __call__(self, img): assert isinstance(img, np.ndarray), 'image must be numpy array.' return img.astype(self.dtype)
[docs]class ToTensor(Transform): """ Converts the input image to a tensor without applying any other transformations. """
[docs] def __call__(self, img): if torch.is_tensor(img): return img.contiguous() return torch.as_tensor(np.ascontiguousarray(img))
[docs]class Transpose(Transform): """ Transposes the input image based on the given `indices` dimension ordering. """ def __init__(self, indices): self.indices = indices
[docs] def __call__(self, img): return img.transpose(self.indices)
[docs]class RandGaussianNoise(Randomizable, Transform): """Add Gaussian noise to image. Args: prob (float): Probability to add Gaussian noise. mean (float or array of floats): Mean or “centre” of the distribution. std (float): Standard deviation (spread) of distribution. """ def __init__(self, prob=0.1, mean=0.0, std=0.1): self.prob = prob self.mean = mean self.std = std self._do_transform = False self._noise = None
[docs] def randomize(self, im_shape): self._do_transform = self.R.random() < self.prob self._noise = self.R.normal(self.mean, self.R.uniform(0, self.std), size=im_shape)
[docs] def __call__(self, img): self.randomize(img.shape) return img + self._noise if self._do_transform else img
[docs]class Flip(Transform): """Reverses the order of elements along the given spatial axis. Preserves shape. Uses ``np.flip`` in practice. See numpy.flip for additional details. Args: spatial_axis (None, int or tuple of ints): spatial axes along which to flip over. Default is None. """ def __init__(self, spatial_axis=None): self.spatial_axis = spatial_axis
[docs] def __call__(self, img): """ Args: img (ndarray): channel first array, must have shape: (num_channels, H[, W, ..., ]), """ flipped = list() for channel in img: flipped.append( np.flip(channel, self.spatial_axis) ) return np.stack(flipped)
[docs]class Resize(Transform): """ Resize the input image to given resolution. Uses skimage.transform.resize underneath. For additional details, see Args: spatial_size (tuple or list): expected shape of spatial dimensions after resize operation. order (int): Order of spline interpolation. Default=1. mode (str): Points outside boundaries are filled according to given mode. Options are 'constant', 'edge', 'symmetric', 'reflect', 'wrap'. cval (float): Used with mode 'constant', the value outside image boundaries. clip (bool): Whether to clip range of output values after interpolation. Default: True. preserve_range (bool): Whether to keep original range of values. Default is True. If False, input is converted according to conventions of img_as_float. See anti_aliasing (bool): Whether to apply a gaussian filter to image before down-scaling. Default is True. anti_aliasing_sigma (float, tuple of floats): Standard deviation for gaussian filtering. """ def __init__(self, spatial_size, order=1, mode='reflect', cval=0, clip=True, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=True, anti_aliasing_sigma=None): assert isinstance(order, int), "order must be integer." self.spatial_size = spatial_size self.order = order self.mode = mode self.cval = cval self.clip = clip self.preserve_range = preserve_range self.anti_aliasing = anti_aliasing self.anti_aliasing_sigma = anti_aliasing_sigma
[docs] def __call__(self, img): """ Args: img (ndarray): channel first array, must have shape: (num_channels, H[, W, ..., ]), """ resized = list() for channel in img: resized.append( resize(channel, self.spatial_size, order=self.order, mode=self.mode, cval=self.cval, clip=self.clip, preserve_range=self.preserve_range, anti_aliasing=self.anti_aliasing, anti_aliasing_sigma=self.anti_aliasing_sigma) ) return np.stack(resized).astype(np.float32)
[docs]class Rotate(Transform): """ Rotates an input image by given angle. Uses scipy.ndimage.rotate. For more details, see Args: angle (float): Rotation angle in degrees. spatial_axes (tuple of 2 ints): Spatial axes of rotation. Default: (0, 1). This is the first two axis in spatial dimensions. reshape (bool): If reshape is true, the output shape is adapted so that the input array is contained completely in the output. Default is True. order (int): Order of spline interpolation. Range 0-5. Default: 1. This is different from scipy where default interpolation is 3. mode (str): Points outside boundary filled according to this mode. Options are 'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'wrap'. Default: 'constant'. cval (scalar): Values to fill outside boundary. Default: 0. prefilter (bool): Apply spline_filter before interpolation. Default: True. """ def __init__(self, angle, spatial_axes=(0, 1), reshape=True, order=1, mode='constant', cval=0, prefilter=True): self.angle = angle self.reshape = reshape self.order = order self.mode = mode self.cval = cval self.prefilter = prefilter self.spatial_axes = spatial_axes
[docs] def __call__(self, img): """ Args: img (ndarray): channel first array, must have shape: (num_channels, H[, W, ..., ]), """ rotated = list() for channel in img: rotated.append( scipy.ndimage.rotate(channel, self.angle, self.spatial_axes, reshape=self.reshape, order=self.order, mode=self.mode, cval=self.cval, prefilter=self.prefilter) ) return np.stack(rotated).astype(np.float32)
[docs]class Zoom(Transform): """ Zooms a nd image. Uses scipy.ndimage.zoom or cupyx.scipy.ndimage.zoom in case of gpu. For details, please see Args: zoom (float or sequence): The zoom factor along the spatial axes. If a float, zoom is the same for each spatial axis. If a sequence, zoom should contain one value for each spatial axis. order (int): order of interpolation. Default=3. mode (str): Determines how input is extended beyond boundaries. Default is 'constant'. cval (scalar, optional): Value to fill past edges. Default is 0. use_gpu (bool): Should use cpu or gpu. Uses cupyx which doesn't support order > 1 and modes 'wrap' and 'reflect'. Defaults to cpu for these cases or if cupyx not found. keep_size (bool): Should keep original size (pad if needed). """ def __init__(self, zoom, order=3, mode='constant', cval=0, prefilter=True, use_gpu=False, keep_size=False): assert isinstance(order, int), "Order must be integer." self.zoom = zoom self.order = order self.mode = mode self.cval = cval self.prefilter = prefilter self.use_gpu = use_gpu self.keep_size = keep_size if self.use_gpu: try: from cupyx.scipy.ndimage import zoom as zoom_gpu self._zoom = zoom_gpu except ImportError: print('For GPU zoom, please install cupy. Defaulting to cpu.') self._zoom = scipy.ndimage.zoom self.use_gpu = False else: self._zoom = scipy.ndimage.zoom
[docs] def __call__(self, img): """ Args: img (ndarray): channel first array, must have shape: (num_channels, H[, W, ..., ]), """ zoomed = list() if self.use_gpu: import cupy for channel in cupy.array(img): zoom_channel = self._zoom(channel, zoom=self.zoom, order=self.order, mode=self.mode, cval=self.cval, prefilter=self.prefilter) zoomed.append(cupy.asnumpy(zoom_channel)) else: for channel in img: zoomed.append( self._zoom(channel, zoom=self.zoom, order=self.order, mode=self.mode, cval=self.cval, prefilter=self.prefilter)) zoomed = np.stack(zoomed).astype(np.float32) if not self.keep_size or np.allclose(img.shape, zoomed.shape): return zoomed pad_vec = [[0, 0]] * len(img.shape) slice_vec = [slice(None)] * len(img.shape) for idx, (od, zd) in enumerate(zip(img.shape, zoomed.shape)): diff = od - zd half = abs(diff) // 2 if diff > 0: # need padding pad_vec[idx] = [half, diff - half] elif diff < 0: # need slicing slice_vec[idx] = slice(half, half + od) zoomed = np.pad(zoomed, pad_vec, mode='constant') return zoomed[tuple(slice_vec)]
[docs]class ShiftIntensity(Transform): """Shift intensity uniformly for the entire image with specified `offset`. Args: offset (int or float): offset value to shift the intensity of image. """ def __init__(self, offset): self.offset = offset
[docs] def __call__(self, img): return img + self.offset
[docs]class RandShiftIntensity(Randomizable, Transform): """Randomly shift intensity with randomly picked offset. """ def __init__(self, offsets, prob=0.1): """ Args: offsets(int, float, tuple or list): offset range to randomly shift. if single number, offset value is picked from (-offsets, offsets). prob (float): probability of shift. """ self.offsets = (-offsets, offsets) if not isinstance(offsets, (list, tuple)) else offsets assert len(self.offsets) == 2, 'offsets should be a number or pair of numbers.' self.prob = prob self._do_transform = False
[docs] def randomize(self): self._offset = self.R.uniform(low=self.offsets[0], high=self.offsets[1]) self._do_transform = self.R.random() < self.prob
[docs] def __call__(self, img): self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return img shifter = ShiftIntensity(self._offset) return shifter(img)
[docs]class ScaleIntensity(Transform): """ Scale the intensity of input image to the given value range (minv, maxv). If `minv` and `maxv` not provided, use `factor` to scale image by ``v = v * (1 + factor)``. """ def __init__(self, minv=0.0, maxv=1.0, factor=None, dtype=np.float32): """ Args: minv (int or float): minimum value of output data. maxv (int or float): maximum value of output data. factor (float): factor scale by ``v = v * (1 + factor)``. dtype (np.dtype): expected output data type. """ self.minv = minv self.maxv = maxv self.factor = factor self.dtype = dtype
[docs] def __call__(self, img): if self.minv is not None and self.maxv is not None: return rescale_array(img, self.minv, self.maxv, self.dtype) else: return (img * (1 + self.factor)).astype(self.dtype)
[docs]class RandScaleIntensity(Randomizable, Transform): """ Randomly scale the intensity of input image by ``v = v * (1 + factor)`` where the `factor` is randomly picked from (factors[0], factors[0]). """ def __init__(self, factors, prob=0.1, dtype=np.float32): """ Args: factors(float, tuple or list): factor range to randomly scale by ``v = v * (1 + factor)``. if single number, factor value is picked from (-factors, factors). prob (float): probability of scale. dtype (np.dtype): expected output data type. """ self.factors = (-factors, factors) if not isinstance(factors, (list, tuple)) else factors assert len(self.factors) == 2, 'factors should be a number or pair of numbers.' self.prob = prob self.dtype = dtype self._do_transform = False
[docs] def randomize(self): self.factor = self.R.uniform(low=self.factors[0], high=self.factors[1]) self._do_transform = self.R.random() < self.prob
[docs] def __call__(self, img): self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return img scaler = ScaleIntensity(minv=None, maxv=None, factor=self.factor, dtype=self.dtype) return scaler(img)
[docs]class NormalizeIntensity(Transform): """Normalize input based on provided args, using calculated mean and std if not provided (shape of subtrahend and divisor must match. if 0, entire volume uses same subtrahend and divisor, otherwise the shape can have dimension 1 for channels). This transform can normalize only non-zero values or entire image, and can also calculate mean and std on each channel separately. Args: subtrahend (ndarray): the amount to subtract by (usually the mean). divisor (ndarray): the amount to divide by (usually the standard deviation). nonzero (bool): whether only normalize non-zero values. channel_wise (bool): if using calculated mean and std, calculate on each channel separately or calculate on the entire image directly. """ def __init__(self, subtrahend=None, divisor=None, nonzero=False, channel_wise=False): if subtrahend is not None or divisor is not None: assert isinstance(subtrahend, np.ndarray) and isinstance(divisor, np.ndarray), \ 'subtrahend and divisor must be set in pair and in numpy array.' self.subtrahend = subtrahend self.divisor = divisor self.nonzero = nonzero self.channel_wise = channel_wise def _normalize(self, img): slices = (img != 0) if self.nonzero else np.ones(img.shape, dtype=np.bool_) if np.any(slices): if self.subtrahend is not None and self.divisor is not None: img[slices] = (img[slices] - self.subtrahend[slices]) / self.divisor[slices] else: img[slices] = (img[slices] - np.mean(img[slices])) / np.std(img[slices]) return img
[docs] def __call__(self, img): if self.channel_wise: for i, d in enumerate(img): img[i] = self._normalize(d) else: img = self._normalize(img) return img
[docs]class ThresholdIntensity(Transform): """Filter the intensity values of whole image to below threshold or above threshold. And fill the remaining parts of the image to the `cval` value. Args: threshold (float or int): the threshold to filter intensity values. above (bool): filter values above the threshold or below the threshold, default is True. cval (float or int): value to fill the remaining parts of the image, default is 0. """ def __init__(self, threshold, above=True, cval=0): assert isinstance(threshold, (float, int)), 'must set the threshold to filter intensity.' self.threshold = threshold self.above = above self.cval = cval
[docs] def __call__(self, img): return np.where(img > self.threshold if self.above else img < self.threshold, img, self.cval)
[docs]class ScaleIntensityRange(Transform): """Apply specific intensity scaling to the whole numpy array. Scaling from [a_min, a_max] to [b_min, b_max] with clip option. Args: a_min (int or float): intensity original range min. a_max (int or float): intensity original range max. b_min (int or float): intensity target range min. b_max (int or float): intensity target range max. clip (bool): whether to perform clip after scaling. """ def __init__(self, a_min, a_max, b_min, b_max, clip=False): self.a_min = a_min self.a_max = a_max self.b_min = b_min self.b_max = b_max self.clip = clip
[docs] def __call__(self, img): img = (img - self.a_min) / (self.a_max - self.a_min) img = img * (self.b_max - self.b_min) + self.b_min if self.clip: img = np.clip(img, self.b_min, self.b_max) return img
[docs]class AdjustContrast(Transform): """Changes image intensity by gamma. Each pixel/voxel intensity is updated as: `x = ((x - min) / intensity_range) ^ gamma * intensity_range + min` Args: gamma (float): gamma value to adjust the contrast as function. """ def __init__(self, gamma): assert isinstance(gamma, (float, int)), 'gamma must be a float or int number.' self.gamma = gamma
[docs] def __call__(self, img): epsilon = 1e-7 img_min = img.min() img_range = img.max() - img_min return np.power(((img - img_min) / float(img_range + epsilon)), self.gamma) * img_range + img_min
[docs]class RandAdjustContrast(Randomizable, Transform): """Randomly changes image intensity by gamma. Each pixel/voxel intensity is updated as: `x = ((x - min) / intensity_range) ^ gamma * intensity_range + min` Args: prob (float): Probability of adjustment. gamma (tuple of float or float): Range of gamma values. If single number, value is picked from (0.5, gamma), default is (0.5, 4.5). """ def __init__(self, prob=0.1, gamma=(0.5, 4.5)): self.prob = prob if not isinstance(gamma, (tuple, list)): assert gamma > 0.5, \ 'if gamma is single number, must greater than 0.5 and value is picked from (0.5, gamma)' self.gamma = (0.5, gamma) else: self.gamma = gamma assert len(self.gamma) == 2, 'gamma should be a number or pair of numbers.' self._do_transform = False self.gamma_value = None
[docs] def randomize(self): self._do_transform = self.R.random_sample() < self.prob self.gamma_value = self.R.uniform(low=self.gamma[0], high=self.gamma[1])
[docs] def __call__(self, img): self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return img adjuster = AdjustContrast(self.gamma_value) return adjuster(img)
[docs]class Rotate90(Transform): """ Rotate an array by 90 degrees in the plane specified by `axes`. """ def __init__(self, k=1, spatial_axes=(0, 1)): """ Args: k (int): number of times to rotate by 90 degrees. spatial_axes (2 ints): defines the plane to rotate with 2 spatial axes. Default: (0, 1), this is the first two axis in spatial dimensions. """ self.k = k self.spatial_axes = spatial_axes
[docs] def __call__(self, img): """ Args: img (ndarray): channel first array, must have shape: (num_channels, H[, W, ..., ]), """ rotated = list() for channel in img: rotated.append( np.rot90(channel, self.k, self.spatial_axes) ) return np.stack(rotated)
[docs]class RandRotate90(Randomizable, Transform): """ With probability `prob`, input arrays are rotated by 90 degrees in the plane specified by `spatial_axes`. """ def __init__(self, prob=0.1, max_k=3, spatial_axes=(0, 1)): """ Args: prob (float): probability of rotating. (Default 0.1, with 10% probability it returns a rotated array) max_k (int): number of rotations will be sampled from `np.random.randint(max_k) + 1`. (Default 3) spatial_axes (2 ints): defines the plane to rotate with 2 spatial axes. Default: (0, 1), this is the first two axis in spatial dimensions. """ self.prob = min(max(prob, 0.0), 1.0) self.max_k = max_k self.spatial_axes = spatial_axes self._do_transform = False self._rand_k = 0
[docs] def randomize(self): self._rand_k = self.R.randint(self.max_k) + 1 self._do_transform = self.R.random() < self.prob
[docs] def __call__(self, img): self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return img rotator = Rotate90(self._rand_k, self.spatial_axes) return rotator(img)
[docs]class SpatialPad(Transform): """Performs padding to the data, symmetric for all sides or all on one side for each dimension. Uses np.pad so in practice, a mode needs to be provided. See numpy.lib.arraypad.pad for additional details. Args: spatial_size (list): the spatial size of output data after padding. method (str): pad image symmetric on every side or only pad at the end sides. default is 'symmetric'. mode (str): one of the following string values or a user supplied function: {'constant', 'edge', 'linear_ramp', 'maximum', 'mean', 'median', 'minimum', 'reflect', 'symmetric', 'wrap', 'empty', <function>} for more details, please check: """ def __init__(self, spatial_size, method='symmetric', mode='constant'): assert isinstance(spatial_size, (list, tuple)), 'spatial_out_size must be list or tuple.' self.spatial_size = spatial_size assert method in ('symmetric', 'end'), 'unsupported padding type.' self.method = method assert isinstance(mode, str), 'mode must be str.' self.mode = mode def _determine_data_pad_width(self, data_shape): if self.method == 'symmetric': pad_width = list() for i in range(len(self.spatial_size)): width = max(self.spatial_size[i] - data_shape[i], 0) pad_width.append((width // 2, width - (width // 2))) return pad_width else: return [(0, max(self.spatial_size[i] - data_shape[i], 0)) for i in range(len(self.spatial_size))]
[docs] def __call__(self, img): data_pad_width = self._determine_data_pad_width(img.shape[1:]) all_pad_width = [(0, 0)] + data_pad_width img = np.pad(img, all_pad_width, self.mode) return img
[docs]class SpatialCrop(Transform): """General purpose cropper to produce sub-volume region of interest (ROI). It can support to crop ND spatial (channel-first) data. Either a spatial center and size must be provided, or alternatively if center and size are not provided, the start and end coordinates of the ROI must be provided. The sub-volume must sit the within original image. Note: This transform will not work if the crop region is larger than the image itself. """ def __init__(self, roi_center=None, roi_size=None, roi_start=None, roi_end=None): """ Args: roi_center (list or tuple): voxel coordinates for center of the crop ROI. roi_size (list or tuple): size of the crop ROI. roi_start (list or tuple): voxel coordinates for start of the crop ROI. roi_end (list or tuple): voxel coordinates for end of the crop ROI. """ if roi_center is not None and roi_size is not None: roi_center = np.asarray(roi_center, dtype=np.uint16) roi_size = np.asarray(roi_size, dtype=np.uint16) self.roi_start = np.subtract(roi_center, np.floor_divide(roi_size, 2)) self.roi_end = np.add(self.roi_start, roi_size) else: assert roi_start is not None and roi_end is not None, 'roi_start and roi_end must be provided.' self.roi_start = np.asarray(roi_start, dtype=np.uint16) self.roi_end = np.asarray(roi_end, dtype=np.uint16) assert np.all(self.roi_start >= 0), 'all elements of roi_start must be greater than or equal to 0.' assert np.all(self.roi_end > 0), 'all elements of roi_end must be positive.' assert np.all(self.roi_end >= self.roi_start), 'invalid roi range.'
[docs] def __call__(self, img): max_end = img.shape[1:] sd = min(len(self.roi_start), len(max_end)) assert np.all(max_end[:sd] >= self.roi_start[:sd]), 'roi start out of image space.' assert np.all(max_end[:sd] >= self.roi_end[:sd]), 'roi end out of image space.' slices = [slice(None)] + [slice(s, e) for s, e in zip(self.roi_start[:sd], self.roi_end[:sd])] return img[tuple(slices)]
[docs]class CenterSpatialCrop(Transform): """ Crop at the center of image with specified ROI size. Args: roi_size (list, tuple): the spatial size of the crop region e.g. [224,224,128] """ def __init__(self, roi_size): self.roi_size = roi_size
[docs] def __call__(self, img): center = [i // 2 for i in img.shape[1:]] cropper = SpatialCrop(roi_center=center, roi_size=self.roi_size) return cropper(img)
[docs]class RandSpatialCrop(Randomizable, Transform): """ Crop image with random size or specific size ROI. It can crop at a random position as center or at the image center. And allows to set the minimum size to limit the randomly generated ROI. This transform assumes all the expected fields specified by `keys` have same shape. Args: roi_size (list, tuple): if `random_size` is True, the spatial size of the minimum crop region. if `random_size` is False, specify the expected ROI size to crop. e.g. [224, 224, 128] random_center (bool): crop at random position as center or the image center. random_size (bool): crop with random size or specific size ROI. """ def __init__(self, roi_size, random_center=True, random_size=True): self.roi_size = roi_size self.random_center = random_center self.random_size = random_size
[docs] def randomize(self, img_size): self._size = [self.roi_size] * len(img_size) if not isinstance(self.roi_size, (list, tuple)) else self.roi_size if self.random_size: self._size = [self.R.randint(low=self._size[i], high=img_size[i] + 1) for i in range(len(img_size))] if self.random_center: valid_size = get_valid_patch_size(img_size, self._size) self._slices = ensure_tuple(slice(None)) + get_random_patch(img_size, valid_size, self.R)
[docs] def __call__(self, img): self.randomize(img.shape[1:]) if self.random_center: return img[self._slices] else: cropper = CenterSpatialCrop(self._size) return cropper(img)
[docs]class CropForeground(Transform): """ Crop an image using a bounding box. The bounding box is generated by selecting foreground using select_fn at channels channel_indexes. margin is added in each spatial dimension of the bounding box. The typical usage is to help training and evaluation if the valid part is small in the whole medical image. Users can define arbitrary function to select expected foreground from the whole image or specified channels. And it can also add margin to every dim of the bounding box of foreground object. For example: .. code-block:: python image = np.array( [[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 1, 0], [0, 1, 3, 2, 0], [0, 1, 2, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]]) # 1x5x5, single channel 5x5 image cropper = CropForeground(select_fn=lambda x: x > 1, margin=0) print(cropper(image)) [[[2, 1], [3, 2], [2, 1]]] """ def __init__(self, select_fn=lambda x: x > 0, channel_indexes=None, margin=0): """ Args: select_fn (Callable): function to select expected foreground, default is to select values > 0. channel_indexes (int, tuple or list): if defined, select foregound only on the specified channels of image. if None, select foreground on the whole image. margin (int): add margin to all dims of the bounding box. """ self.select_fn = select_fn self.channel_indexes = ensure_tuple(channel_indexes) if channel_indexes is not None else None self.margin = margin
[docs] def __call__(self, img): box_start, box_end = generate_spatial_bounding_box(img, self.select_fn, self.channel_indexes, self.margin) cropper = SpatialCrop(roi_start=box_start, roi_end=box_end) return cropper(img)
[docs]class RandRotate(Randomizable, Transform): """Randomly rotates the input arrays. Args: prob (float): Probability of rotation. degrees (tuple of float or float): Range of rotation in degrees. If single number, angle is picked from (-degrees, degrees). spatial_axes (tuple of 2 ints): Spatial axes of rotation. Default: (0, 1). This is the first two axis in spatial dimensions. reshape (bool): If reshape is true, the output shape is adapted so that the input array is contained completely in the output. Default is True. order (int): Order of spline interpolation. Range 0-5. Default: 1. This is different from scipy where default interpolation is 3. mode (str): Points outside boundary filled according to this mode. Options are 'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'wrap'. Default: 'constant'. cval (scalar): Value to fill outside boundary. Default: 0. prefilter (bool): Apply spline_filter before interpolation. Default: True. """ def __init__(self, degrees, prob=0.1, spatial_axes=(0, 1), reshape=True, order=1, mode='constant', cval=0, prefilter=True): self.prob = prob self.degrees = degrees self.reshape = reshape self.order = order self.mode = mode self.cval = cval self.prefilter = prefilter self.spatial_axes = spatial_axes if not hasattr(self.degrees, '__iter__'): self.degrees = (-self.degrees, self.degrees) assert len(self.degrees) == 2, 'degrees should be a number or pair of numbers.' self._do_transform = False self.angle = None
[docs] def randomize(self): self._do_transform = self.R.random_sample() < self.prob self.angle = self.R.uniform(low=self.degrees[0], high=self.degrees[1])
[docs] def __call__(self, img): self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return img rotator = Rotate(self.angle, self.spatial_axes, self.reshape, self.order, self.mode, self.cval, self.prefilter) return rotator(img)
[docs]class RandFlip(Randomizable, Transform): """Randomly flips the image along axes. Preserves shape. See numpy.flip for additional details. Args: prob (float): Probability of flipping. spatial_axis (None, int or tuple of ints): Spatial axes along which to flip over. Default is None. """ def __init__(self, prob=0.1, spatial_axis=None): self.prob = prob self.flipper = Flip(spatial_axis=spatial_axis) self._do_transform = False
[docs] def randomize(self): self._do_transform = self.R.random_sample() < self.prob
[docs] def __call__(self, img): self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return img return self.flipper(img)
[docs]class RandZoom(Randomizable, Transform): """Randomly zooms input arrays with given probability within given zoom range. Args: prob (float): Probability of zooming. min_zoom (float or sequence): Min zoom factor. Can be float or sequence same size as image. If a float, min_zoom is the same for each spatial axis. If a sequence, min_zoom should contain one value for each spatial axis. max_zoom (float or sequence): Max zoom factor. Can be float or sequence same size as image. If a float, max_zoom is the same for each spatial axis. If a sequence, max_zoom should contain one value for each spatial axis. order (int): order of interpolation. Default=3. mode ('reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'): Determines how input is extended beyond boundaries. Default: 'constant'. cval (scalar, optional): Value to fill past edges. Default is 0. use_gpu (bool): Should use cpu or gpu. Uses cupyx which doesn't support order > 1 and modes 'wrap' and 'reflect'. Defaults to cpu for these cases or if cupyx not found. keep_size (bool): Should keep original size (pad if needed). """ def __init__(self, prob=0.1, min_zoom=0.9, max_zoom=1.1, order=3, mode='constant', cval=0, prefilter=True, use_gpu=False, keep_size=False): if hasattr(min_zoom, '__iter__') and hasattr(max_zoom, '__iter__'): assert len(min_zoom) == len(max_zoom), 'min_zoom and max_zoom must have same length.' self.min_zoom = min_zoom self.max_zoom = max_zoom self.prob = prob self.order = order self.mode = mode self.cval = cval self.prefilter = prefilter self.use_gpu = use_gpu self.keep_size = keep_size self._do_transform = False self._zoom = None
[docs] def randomize(self): self._do_transform = self.R.random_sample() < self.prob if hasattr(self.min_zoom, '__iter__'): self._zoom = (self.R.uniform(l, h) for l, h in zip(self.min_zoom, self.max_zoom)) else: self._zoom = self.R.uniform(self.min_zoom, self.max_zoom)
[docs] def __call__(self, img): self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return img zoomer = Zoom(self._zoom, self.order, self.mode, self.cval, self.prefilter, self.use_gpu, self.keep_size) return zoomer(img)
class AffineGrid(Transform): """ Affine transforms on the coordinates. """ def __init__(self, rotate_params=None, shear_params=None, translate_params=None, scale_params=None, as_tensor_output=True, device=None): self.rotate_params = rotate_params self.shear_params = shear_params self.translate_params = translate_params self.scale_params = scale_params self.as_tensor_output = as_tensor_output self.device = device def __call__(self, spatial_size=None, grid=None): """ Args: spatial_size (list or tuple of int): output grid size. grid (ndarray): grid to be transformed. Shape must be (3, H, W) for 2D or (4, H, W, D) for 3D. """ if grid is None: if spatial_size is not None: grid = create_grid(spatial_size) else: raise ValueError('Either specify a grid or a spatial size to create a grid from.') spatial_dims = len(grid.shape) - 1 affine = np.eye(spatial_dims + 1) if self.rotate_params: affine = affine @ create_rotate(spatial_dims, self.rotate_params) if self.shear_params: affine = affine @ create_shear(spatial_dims, self.shear_params) if self.translate_params: affine = affine @ create_translate(spatial_dims, self.translate_params) if self.scale_params: affine = affine @ create_scale(spatial_dims, self.scale_params) affine = torch.as_tensor(np.ascontiguousarray(affine), device=self.device) grid = torch.as_tensor(np.ascontiguousarray(grid)) if not torch.is_tensor(grid) else grid.detach().clone() if self.device: grid = grid = (affine.float() @ grid.reshape((grid.shape[0], -1)).float()).reshape([-1] + list(grid.shape[1:])) if self.as_tensor_output: return grid return grid.cpu().numpy()
[docs]class RandAffineGrid(Randomizable, Transform): """ generate randomised affine grid """ def __init__(self, rotate_range=None, shear_range=None, translate_range=None, scale_range=None, as_tensor_output=True, device=None): """ Args: rotate_range (a sequence of positive floats): rotate_range[0] with be used to generate the 1st rotation parameter from `uniform[-rotate_range[0], rotate_range[0])`. Similarly, `rotate_range[2]` and `rotate_range[3]` are used in 3D affine for the range of 2nd and 3rd axes. shear_range (a sequence of positive floats): shear_range[0] with be used to generate the 1st shearing parameter from `uniform[-shear_range[0], shear_range[0])`. Similarly, `shear_range[1]` to `shear_range[N]` controls the range of the uniform distribution used to generate the 2nd to N-th parameter. translate_range (a sequence of positive floats): translate_range[0] with be used to generate the 1st shift parameter from `uniform[-translate_range[0], translate_range[0])`. Similarly, `translate_range[1]` to `translate_range[N]` controls the range of the uniform distribution used to generate the 2nd to N-th parameter. scale_range (a sequence of positive floats): scaling_range[0] with be used to generate the 1st scaling factor from `uniform[-scale_range[0], scale_range[0]) + 1.0`. Similarly, `scale_range[1]` to `scale_range[N]` controls the range of the uniform distribution used to generate the 2nd to N-th parameter. See also: - :py:meth:`monai.transforms.utils.create_rotate` - :py:meth:`monai.transforms.utils.create_shear` - :py:meth:`monai.transforms.utils.create_translate` - :py:meth:`monai.transforms.utils.create_scale` """ self.rotate_range = ensure_tuple(rotate_range) self.shear_range = ensure_tuple(shear_range) self.translate_range = ensure_tuple(translate_range) self.scale_range = ensure_tuple(scale_range) self.rotate_params = None self.shear_params = None self.translate_params = None self.scale_params = None self.as_tensor_output = as_tensor_output self.device = device
[docs] def randomize(self): if self.rotate_range: self.rotate_params = [self.R.uniform(-f, f) for f in self.rotate_range if f is not None] if self.shear_range: self.shear_params = [self.R.uniform(-f, f) for f in self.shear_range if f is not None] if self.translate_range: self.translate_params = [self.R.uniform(-f, f) for f in self.translate_range if f is not None] if self.scale_range: self.scale_params = [self.R.uniform(-f, f) + 1.0 for f in self.scale_range if f is not None]
[docs] def __call__(self, spatial_size=None, grid=None): """ Returns: a 2D (3xHxW) or 3D (4xHxWxD) grid. """ self.randomize() affine_grid = AffineGrid(rotate_params=self.rotate_params, shear_params=self.shear_params, translate_params=self.translate_params, scale_params=self.scale_params, as_tensor_output=self.as_tensor_output, device=self.device) return affine_grid(spatial_size, grid)
[docs]class RandDeformGrid(Randomizable, Transform): """ generate random deformation grid """ def __init__(self, spacing, magnitude_range, as_tensor_output=True, device=None): """ Args: spacing (2 or 3 ints): spacing of the grid in 2D or 3D. e.g., spacing=(1, 1) indicates pixel-wise deformation in 2D, spacing=(1, 1, 1) indicates voxel-wise deformation in 3D, spacing=(2, 2) indicates deformation field defined on every other pixel in 2D. magnitude_range (2 ints): the random offsets will be generated from `uniform[magnitude[0], magnitude[1])`. as_tensor_output (bool): whether to output tensor instead of numpy array. defaults to True. device (torch device): device to store the output grid data. """ self.spacing = spacing self.magnitude = magnitude_range self.rand_mag = 1.0 self.as_tensor_output = as_tensor_output self.random_offset = 0.0 self.device = device
[docs] def randomize(self, grid_size): self.random_offset = self.R.normal(size=([len(grid_size)] + list(grid_size))) self.rand_mag = self.R.uniform(self.magnitude[0], self.magnitude[1])
[docs] def __call__(self, spatial_size): control_grid = create_control_grid(spatial_size, self.spacing) self.randomize(control_grid.shape[1:]) control_grid[:len(spatial_size)] += self.rand_mag * self.random_offset if self.as_tensor_output: control_grid = torch.as_tensor(np.ascontiguousarray(control_grid), device=self.device) return control_grid
[docs]class Resample(Transform): def __init__(self, padding_mode='zeros', as_tensor_output=False, device=None): """ computes output image using values from `img`, locations from `grid` using pytorch. supports spatially 2D or 3D (num_channels, H, W[, D]). Args: padding_mode ('zeros'|'border'|'reflection'): mode of handling out of range indices. Defaults to 'zeros'. as_tensor_output(bool): whether to return a torch tensor. Defaults to False. device (torch.device): device on which the tensor will be allocated. """ self.padding_mode = padding_mode self.as_tensor_output = as_tensor_output self.device = device
[docs] def __call__(self, img, grid, mode='bilinear'): """ Args: img (ndarray or tensor): shape must be (num_channels, H, W[, D]). grid (ndarray or tensor): shape must be (3, H, W) for 2D or (4, H, W, D) for 3D. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to 'bilinear'. """ if not torch.is_tensor(img): img = torch.as_tensor(np.ascontiguousarray(img)) grid = torch.as_tensor(np.ascontiguousarray(grid)) if not torch.is_tensor(grid) else grid.detach().clone() if self.device: img = grid = for i, dim in enumerate(img.shape[1:]): grid[i] = 2. * grid[i] / (dim - 1.) grid = grid[:-1] / grid[-1:] grid = grid[range(img.ndim - 2, -1, -1)] grid = grid.permute(list(range(grid.ndim))[1:] + [0]) out = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(img[None].float(), grid[None].float(), mode=mode, padding_mode=self.padding_mode, align_corners=False)[0] if self.as_tensor_output: return out return out.cpu().numpy()
[docs]class Affine(Transform): """ transform ``img`` given the affine parameters. """ def __init__(self, rotate_params=None, shear_params=None, translate_params=None, scale_params=None, spatial_size=None, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', as_tensor_output=False, device=None): """ The affine transformations are applied in rotate, shear, translate, scale order. Args: rotate_params (float, list of floats): a rotation angle in radians, a scalar for 2D image, a tuple of 3 floats for 3D. Defaults to no rotation. shear_params (list of floats): a tuple of 2 floats for 2D, a tuple of 6 floats for 3D. Defaults to no shearing. translate_params (list of floats): a tuple of 2 floats for 2D, a tuple of 3 floats for 3D. Translation is in pixel/voxel relative to the center of the input image. Defaults to no translation. scale_params (list of floats): a tuple of 2 floats for 2D, a tuple of 3 floats for 3D. Defaults to no scaling. spatial_size (list or tuple of int): output image spatial size. if `img` has two spatial dimensions, `spatial_size` should have 2 elements [h, w]. if `img` has three spatial dimensions, `spatial_size` should have 3 elements [h, w, d]. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to 'bilinear'. padding_mode ('zeros'|'border'|'reflection'): mode of handling out of range indices. Defaults to 'zeros'. as_tensor_output (bool): the computation is implemented using pytorch tensors, this option specifies whether to convert it back to numpy arrays. device (torch.device): device on which the tensor will be allocated. """ self.affine_grid = AffineGrid(rotate_params=rotate_params, shear_params=shear_params, translate_params=translate_params, scale_params=scale_params, as_tensor_output=True, device=device) self.resampler = Resample(padding_mode=padding_mode, as_tensor_output=as_tensor_output, device=device) self.spatial_size = spatial_size self.mode = mode
[docs] def __call__(self, img, spatial_size=None, mode=None): """ Args: img (ndarray or tensor): shape must be (num_channels, H, W[, D]), spatial_size (list or tuple of int): output image spatial size. if `img` has two spatial dimensions, `spatial_size` should have 2 elements [h, w]. if `img` has three spatial dimensions, `spatial_size` should have 3 elements [h, w, d]. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to 'bilinear'. """ spatial_size = spatial_size or self.spatial_size mode = mode or self.mode grid = self.affine_grid(spatial_size=spatial_size) return self.resampler(img=img, grid=grid, mode=mode)
[docs]class RandAffine(Randomizable, Transform): """ Random affine transform. """ def __init__(self, prob=0.1, rotate_range=None, shear_range=None, translate_range=None, scale_range=None, spatial_size=None, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', as_tensor_output=True, device=None): """ Args: prob (float): probability of returning a randomized affine grid. defaults to 0.1, with 10% chance returns a randomized grid. spatial_size (list or tuple of int): output image spatial size. if `img` has two spatial dimensions, `spatial_size` should have 2 elements [h, w]. if `img` has three spatial dimensions, `spatial_size` should have 3 elements [h, w, d]. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to 'bilinear'. padding_mode ('zeros'|'border'|'reflection'): mode of handling out of range indices. Defaults to 'zeros'. as_tensor_output (bool): the computation is implemented using pytorch tensors, this option specifies whether to convert it back to numpy arrays. device (torch.device): device on which the tensor will be allocated. See also: - :py:class:`RandAffineGrid` for the random affine parameters configurations. - :py:class:`Affine` for the affine transformation parameters configurations. """ self.rand_affine_grid = RandAffineGrid(rotate_range=rotate_range, shear_range=shear_range, translate_range=translate_range, scale_range=scale_range, as_tensor_output=True, device=device) self.resampler = Resample(padding_mode=padding_mode, as_tensor_output=as_tensor_output, device=device) self.spatial_size = spatial_size self.mode = mode self.do_transform = False self.prob = prob
[docs] def set_random_state(self, seed=None, state=None): self.rand_affine_grid.set_random_state(seed, state) super().set_random_state(seed, state) return self
[docs] def randomize(self): self.do_transform = self.R.rand() < self.prob self.rand_affine_grid.randomize()
[docs] def __call__(self, img, spatial_size=None, mode=None): """ Args: img (ndarray or tensor): shape must be (num_channels, H, W[, D]), spatial_size (list or tuple of int): output image spatial size. if `img` has two spatial dimensions, `spatial_size` should have 2 elements [h, w]. if `img` has three spatial dimensions, `spatial_size` should have 3 elements [h, w, d]. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to 'bilinear'. """ self.randomize() spatial_size = spatial_size or self.spatial_size mode = mode or self.mode if self.do_transform: grid = self.rand_affine_grid(spatial_size=spatial_size) else: grid = create_grid(spatial_size) return self.resampler(img=img, grid=grid, mode=mode)
[docs]class Rand2DElastic(Randomizable, Transform): """ Random elastic deformation and affine in 2D """ def __init__(self, spacing, magnitude_range, prob=0.1, rotate_range=None, shear_range=None, translate_range=None, scale_range=None, spatial_size=None, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', as_tensor_output=False, device=None): """ Args: spacing (2 ints): distance in between the control points. magnitude_range (2 ints): the random offsets will be generated from ``uniform[magnitude[0], magnitude[1])``. prob (float): probability of returning a randomized affine grid. defaults to 0.1, with 10% chance returns a randomized grid, otherwise returns a ``spatial_size`` centered area extracted from the input image. spatial_size (2 ints): specifying output image spatial size [h, w]. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to ``'bilinear'``. padding_mode ('zeros'|'border'|'reflection'): mode of handling out of range indices. Defaults to ``'zeros'``. as_tensor_output (bool): the computation is implemented using pytorch tensors, this option specifies whether to convert it back to numpy arrays. device (torch.device): device on which the tensor will be allocated. See also: - :py:class:`RandAffineGrid` for the random affine parameters configurations. - :py:class:`Affine` for the affine transformation parameters configurations. """ self.deform_grid = RandDeformGrid(spacing=spacing, magnitude_range=magnitude_range, as_tensor_output=True, device=device) self.rand_affine_grid = RandAffineGrid(rotate_range=rotate_range, shear_range=shear_range, translate_range=translate_range, scale_range=scale_range, as_tensor_output=True, device=device) self.resampler = Resample(padding_mode=padding_mode, as_tensor_output=as_tensor_output, device=device) self.spatial_size = spatial_size self.mode = mode self.prob = prob self.do_transform = False
[docs] def set_random_state(self, seed=None, state=None): self.deform_grid.set_random_state(seed, state) self.rand_affine_grid.set_random_state(seed, state) super().set_random_state(seed, state) return self
[docs] def randomize(self, spatial_size): self.do_transform = self.R.rand() < self.prob self.deform_grid.randomize(spatial_size) self.rand_affine_grid.randomize()
[docs] def __call__(self, img, spatial_size=None, mode=None): """ Args: img (ndarray or tensor): shape must be (num_channels, H, W), spatial_size (2 ints): specifying output image spatial size [h, w]. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to ``self.mode``. """ spatial_size = spatial_size or self.spatial_size self.randomize(spatial_size) mode = mode or self.mode if self.do_transform: grid = self.deform_grid(spatial_size=spatial_size) grid = self.rand_affine_grid(grid=grid) grid = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(grid[None], spatial_size, mode='bicubic', align_corners=False)[0] else: grid = create_grid(spatial_size) return self.resampler(img, grid, mode)
[docs]class Rand3DElastic(Randomizable, Transform): """ Random elastic deformation and affine in 3D """ def __init__(self, sigma_range, magnitude_range, prob=0.1, rotate_range=None, shear_range=None, translate_range=None, scale_range=None, spatial_size=None, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', as_tensor_output=False, device=None): """ Args: sigma_range (2 ints): a Gaussian kernel with standard deviation sampled from ``uniform[sigma_range[0], sigma_range[1])`` will be used to smooth the random offset grid. magnitude_range (2 ints): the random offsets on the grid will be generated from ``uniform[magnitude[0], magnitude[1])``. prob (float): probability of returning a randomized affine grid. defaults to 0.1, with 10% chance returns a randomized grid, otherwise returns a ``spatial_size`` centered area extracted from the input image. spatial_size (3 ints): specifying output image spatial size [h, w, d]. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to ``'bilinear'``. padding_mode ('zeros'|'border'|'reflection'): mode of handling out of range indices. Defaults to ``'zeros'``. as_tensor_output (bool): the computation is implemented using pytorch tensors, this option specifies whether to convert it back to numpy arrays. device (torch.device): device on which the tensor will be allocated. See also: - :py:class:`RandAffineGrid` for the random affine parameters configurations. - :py:class:`Affine` for the affine transformation parameters configurations. """ self.rand_affine_grid = RandAffineGrid(rotate_range, shear_range, translate_range, scale_range, True, device) self.resampler = Resample(padding_mode=padding_mode, as_tensor_output=as_tensor_output, device=device) self.sigma_range = sigma_range self.magnitude_range = magnitude_range self.spatial_size = spatial_size self.mode = mode self.device = device self.prob = prob self.do_transform = False self.rand_offset = None self.magnitude = 1.0 self.sigma = 1.0
[docs] def set_random_state(self, seed=None, state=None): self.rand_affine_grid.set_random_state(seed, state) super().set_random_state(seed, state) return self
[docs] def randomize(self, grid_size): self.do_transform = self.R.rand() < self.prob if self.do_transform: self.rand_offset = self.R.uniform(-1., 1., [3] + list(grid_size)) self.magnitude = self.R.uniform(self.magnitude_range[0], self.magnitude_range[1]) self.sigma = self.R.uniform(self.sigma_range[0], self.sigma_range[1]) self.rand_affine_grid.randomize()
[docs] def __call__(self, img, spatial_size=None, mode=None): """ Args: img (ndarray or tensor): shape must be (num_channels, H, W, D), spatial_size (3 ints): specifying spatial 3D output image spatial size [h, w, d]. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to 'self.mode'. """ spatial_size = spatial_size or self.spatial_size mode = mode or self.mode self.randomize(spatial_size) grid = create_grid(spatial_size) if self.do_transform: grid = torch.as_tensor(np.ascontiguousarray(grid), device=self.device) gaussian = GaussianFilter(3, self.sigma, 3., device=self.device) grid[:3] += gaussian(self.rand_offset[None])[0] * self.magnitude grid = self.rand_affine_grid(grid=grid) return self.resampler(img, grid, mode)