Source code for monai.transforms.composables

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A collection of dictionary-based wrappers around the "vanilla" transforms
defined in :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms`.

Class names are ended with 'd' to denote dictionary-based transforms.

import numpy as np
import torch

from import get_random_patch, get_valid_patch_size
from monai.networks.layers.simplelayers import GaussianFilter
from monai.transforms.compose import MapTransform, Randomizable
from monai.transforms.transforms import (AddChannel, AsChannelFirst, Flip, LoadNifti, NormalizeIntensity, Orientation,
                                         Rand2DElastic, Rand3DElastic, RandAffine, Resize, Rotate, Rotate90,
                                         ScaleIntensityRange, Spacing, SpatialCrop, Zoom, ToTensor, LoadPNG,
                                         AsChannelLast, ThresholdIntensity, AdjustContrast, CenterSpatialCrop,
                                         CastToType, SpatialPad, RepeatChannel, ShiftIntensity, ScaleIntensity)
from monai.transforms.utils import (create_grid, generate_pos_neg_label_crop_centers, generate_spatial_bounding_box)
from monai.utils.misc import ensure_tuple

[docs]class Spacingd(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.Spacing`. This transform assumes the ``data`` dictionary has a key for the input data's affine. The key is formed by ``meta_key_format.format(key, 'affine')``. After resampling the input array, this transform will write the new affine to the key formed by ``meta_key_format.format(key, 'affine')``. see also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.Spacing` """ def __init__(self, keys, pixdim, diagonal=False, mode='constant', cval=0, interp_order=3, dtype=None, meta_key_format='{}.{}'): """ Args: pixdim (sequence of floats): output voxel spacing. diagonal (bool): whether to resample the input to have a diagonal affine matrix. If True, the input data is resampled to the following affine:: np.diag((pixdim_0, pixdim_1, pixdim_2, 1)) This effectively resets the volume to the world coordinate system (RAS+ in nibabel). The original orientation, rotation, shearing are not preserved. If False, the axes orientation, orthogonal rotation and translations components from the original affine will be preserved in the target affine. This option will not flip/swap axes against the original ones. mode (`reflect|constant|nearest|mirror|wrap`): The mode parameter determines how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries. Default is 'constant'. cval (scalar): Value to fill past edges of input if mode is "constant". Default is 0.0. interp_order (int or sequence of ints): int: the same interpolation order for all data indexed by `self.keys`; sequence of ints, should correspond to an interpolation order for each data item indexed by `self.keys` respectively. dtype (None or np.dtype): output array data type, defaults to None to use input data's dtype. meta_key_format (str): key format to read/write affine matrices to the data dictionary. """ super().__init__(keys) self.spacing_transform = Spacing(pixdim, diagonal=diagonal, mode=mode, cval=cval, dtype=dtype) interp_order = ensure_tuple(interp_order) self.interp_order = interp_order \ if len(interp_order) == len(self.keys) else interp_order * len(self.keys) self.meta_key_format = meta_key_format
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key, interp in zip(self.keys, self.interp_order): affine_key = self.meta_key_format.format(key, 'affine') # resample array of each corresponding key # using affine fetched from d[affine_key] d[key], _, new_affine = self.spacing_transform( data_array=d[key], affine=d[affine_key], interp_order=interp) # set the 'affine' key d[affine_key] = new_affine return d
[docs]class Orientationd(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.Orientation`. This transform assumes the ``data`` dictionary has a key for the input data's affine. The key is formed by ``meta_key_format.format(key, 'affine')``. After reorientate the input array, this transform will write the new affine to the key formed by ``meta_key_format.format(key, 'affine')``. """ def __init__(self, keys, axcodes=None, as_closest_canonical=False, labels=tuple(zip('LPI', 'RAS')), meta_key_format='{}.{}'): """ Args: axcodes (N elements sequence): for spatial ND input's orientation. e.g. axcodes='RAS' represents 3D orientation: (Left, Right), (Posterior, Anterior), (Inferior, Superior). default orientation labels options are: 'L' and 'R' for the first dimension, 'P' and 'A' for the second, 'I' and 'S' for the third. as_closest_canonical (boo): if True, load the image as closest to canonical axis format. labels : optional, None or sequence of (2,) sequences (2,) sequences are labels for (beginning, end) of output axis. Defaults to ``(('L', 'R'), ('P', 'A'), ('I', 'S'))``. meta_key_format (str): key format to read/write affine matrices to the data dictionary. See Also: `nibabel.orientations.ornt2axcodes`. """ super().__init__(keys) self.ornt_transform = Orientation( axcodes=axcodes, as_closest_canonical=as_closest_canonical, labels=labels) self.meta_key_format = meta_key_format
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: affine_key = self.meta_key_format.format(key, 'affine') d[key], _, new_affine = self.ornt_transform(d[key], affine=d[affine_key]) d[affine_key] = new_affine return d
[docs]class LoadNiftid(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.LoadNifti`, must load image and metadata together. If loading a list of files in one key, stack them together and add a new dimension as the first dimension, and use the meta data of the first image to represent the stacked result. Note that the affine transform of all the stacked images should be same. The output metadata field will be created as ``self.meta_key_format(key, metadata_key)``. """ def __init__(self, keys, as_closest_canonical=False, dtype=np.float32, meta_key_format='{}.{}', overwriting_keys=False): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` as_closest_canonical (bool): if True, load the image as closest to canonical axis format. dtype (np.dtype, optional): if not None convert the loaded image to this data type. meta_key_format (str): key format to store meta data of the nifti image. it must contain 2 fields for the key of this image and the key of every meta data item. overwriting_keys (bool): whether allow to overwrite existing keys of meta data. default is False, which will raise exception if encountering existing key. """ super().__init__(keys) self.loader = LoadNifti(as_closest_canonical, False, dtype) self.meta_key_format = meta_key_format self.overwriting_keys = overwriting_keys
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: data = self.loader(d[key]) assert isinstance(data, (tuple, list)), 'loader must return a tuple or list.' d[key] = data[0] assert isinstance(data[1], dict), 'metadata must be a dict.' for k in sorted(data[1]): key_to_add = self.meta_key_format.format(key, k) if key_to_add in d and not self.overwriting_keys: raise KeyError('meta data key {} already exists.'.format(key_to_add)) d[key_to_add] = data[1][k] return d
[docs]class LoadPNGd(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.LoadPNG`. """ def __init__(self, keys, dtype=np.float32): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` dtype (np.dtype, optional): if not None convert the loaded image to this data type. """ super().__init__(keys) self.loader = LoadPNG(dtype)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.loader(d[key]) return d
[docs]class AsChannelFirstd(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.AsChannelFirst`. """ def __init__(self, keys, channel_dim=-1): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` channel_dim (int): which dimension of input image is the channel, default is the last dimension. """ super().__init__(keys) self.converter = AsChannelFirst(channel_dim=channel_dim)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.converter(d[key]) return d
[docs]class AsChannelLastd(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.AsChannelLast`. """ def __init__(self, keys, channel_dim=0): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` channel_dim (int): which dimension of input image is the channel, default is the first dimension. """ super().__init__(keys) self.converter = AsChannelLast(channel_dim=channel_dim)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.converter(d[key]) return d
[docs]class AddChanneld(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.AddChannel`. """ def __init__(self, keys): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` """ super().__init__(keys) self.adder = AddChannel()
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.adder(d[key]) return d
[docs]class RepeatChanneld(MapTransform): """ dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.RepeatChannel`. """ def __init__(self, keys, repeats): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` repeats (int): the number of repetitions for each element. """ super().__init__(keys) self.repeater = RepeatChannel(repeats)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.repeater(d[key]) return d
[docs]class CastToTyped(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.CastToType`. """ def __init__(self, keys, dtype=np.float32): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` dtype (np.dtype): convert image to this data type, default is `np.float32`. """ MapTransform.__init__(self, keys) self.converter = CastToType(dtype)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.converter(d[key]) return d
[docs]class ToTensord(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.ToTensor`. """ def __init__(self, keys): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` """ super().__init__(keys) self.converter = ToTensor()
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.converter(d[key]) return d
[docs]class Rotate90d(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.Rotate90`. """ def __init__(self, keys, k=1, spatial_axes=(0, 1)): """ Args: k (int): number of times to rotate by 90 degrees. spatial_axes (2 ints): defines the plane to rotate with 2 spatial axes. Default: (0, 1), this is the first two axis in spatial dimensions. """ super().__init__(keys) self.rotator = Rotate90(k, spatial_axes)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.rotator(d[key]) return d
[docs]class Resized(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.Resize`. Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` spatial_size (tuple or list): expected shape of spatial dimensions after resize operation. order (int): Order of spline interpolation. Default=1. mode (str): Points outside boundaries are filled according to given mode. Options are 'constant', 'edge', 'symmetric', 'reflect', 'wrap'. cval (float): Used with mode 'constant', the value outside image boundaries. clip (bool): Whether to clip range of output values after interpolation. Default: True. preserve_range (bool): Whether to keep original range of values. Default is True. If False, input is converted according to conventions of img_as_float. See anti_aliasing (bool): Whether to apply a gaussian filter to image before down-scaling. Default is True. anti_aliasing_sigma (float, tuple of floats): Standard deviation for gaussian filtering. """ def __init__(self, keys, spatial_size, order=1, mode='reflect', cval=0, clip=True, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=True, anti_aliasing_sigma=None): super().__init__(keys) self.resizer = Resize(spatial_size, order, mode, cval, clip, preserve_range, anti_aliasing, anti_aliasing_sigma)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.resizer(d[key]) return d
[docs]class RandGaussianNoised(Randomizable, MapTransform): """Dictionary-based version :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.RandGaussianNoise`. Add Gaussian noise to image. This transform assumes all the expected fields have same shape. Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` prob (float): Probability to add Gaussian noise. mean (float or array of floats): Mean or “centre” of the distribution. std (float): Standard deviation (spread) of distribution. """ def __init__(self, keys, prob=0.1, mean=0.0, std=0.1): super().__init__(keys) self.prob = prob self.mean = mean self.std = std self._do_transform = False self._noise = None
[docs] def randomize(self, im_shape): self._do_transform = self.R.random() < self.prob self._noise = self.R.normal(self.mean, self.R.uniform(0, self.std), size=im_shape)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) image_shape = d[self.keys[0]].shape # image shape from the first data key self.randomize(image_shape) if not self._do_transform: return d for key in self.keys: d[key] = d[key] + self._noise return d
[docs]class RandRotate90d(Randomizable, MapTransform): """Dictionary-based version :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.RandRotate90`. With probability `prob`, input arrays are rotated by 90 degrees in the plane specified by `spatial_axes`. """ def __init__(self, keys, prob=0.1, max_k=3, spatial_axes=(0, 1)): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` prob (float): probability of rotating. (Default 0.1, with 10% probability it returns a rotated array.) max_k (int): number of rotations will be sampled from `np.random.randint(max_k) + 1`. (Default 3) spatial_axes (2 ints): defines the plane to rotate with 2 spatial axes. Default: (0, 1), this is the first two axis in spatial dimensions. """ super().__init__(keys) self.prob = min(max(prob, 0.0), 1.0) self.max_k = max_k self.spatial_axes = spatial_axes self._do_transform = False self._rand_k = 0
[docs] def randomize(self): self._rand_k = self.R.randint(self.max_k) + 1 self._do_transform = self.R.random() < self.prob
[docs] def __call__(self, data): self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return data rotator = Rotate90(self._rand_k, self.spatial_axes) d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = rotator(d[key]) return d
[docs]class ShiftIntensityd(MapTransform): """ dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.ShiftIntensity`. """ def __init__(self, keys, offset): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` offset (int or float): offset value to shift the intensity of image. """ super().__init__(keys) self.shifter = ShiftIntensity(offset)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.shifter(d[key]) return d
[docs]class RandShiftIntensityd(Randomizable, MapTransform): """ dictionary-based version :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.RandShiftIntensity`. """ def __init__(self, keys, offsets, prob=0.1): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` offsets(int, float, tuple or list): offset range to randomly shift. if single number, offset value is picked from (-offsets, offsets). prob (float): probability of rotating. (Default 0.1, with 10% probability it returns a rotated array.) """ super().__init__(keys) self.offsets = (-offsets, offsets) if not isinstance(offsets, (list, tuple)) else offsets assert len(self.offsets) == 2, 'offsets should be a number or pair of numbers.' self.prob = prob self._do_transform = False
[docs] def randomize(self): self._offset = self.R.uniform(low=self.offsets[0], high=self.offsets[1]) self._do_transform = self.R.random() < self.prob
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return d shifter = ShiftIntensity(self._offset) for key in self.keys: d[key] = shifter(d[key]) return d
[docs]class ScaleIntensityd(MapTransform): """ dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.ScaleIntensity`. Scale the intensity of input image to the given value range (minv, maxv). If `minv` and `maxv` not provided, use `factor` to scale image by ``v = v * (1 + factor)``. """ def __init__(self, keys, minv=0.0, maxv=1.0, factor=None, dtype=np.float32): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` minv (int or float): minimum value of output data. maxv (int or float): maximum value of output data. factor (float): factor scale by ``v = v * (1 + factor)``. dtype (np.dtype): expected output data type. """ super().__init__(keys) self.scaler = ScaleIntensity(minv, maxv, factor, dtype)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.scaler(d[key]) return d
[docs]class RandScaleIntensityd(Randomizable, MapTransform): """ dictionary-based version :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.RandScaleIntensity`. """ def __init__(self, keys, factors, prob=0.1, dtype=np.float32): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` factors(float, tuple or list): factor range to randomly scale by ``v = v * (1 + factor)``. if single number, factor value is picked from (-factors, factors). prob (float): probability of rotating. (Default 0.1, with 10% probability it returns a rotated array.) dtype (np.dtype): expected output data type. """ super().__init__(keys) self.factors = (-factors, factors) if not isinstance(factors, (list, tuple)) else factors assert len(self.factors) == 2, 'factors should be a number or pair of numbers.' self.prob = prob self.dtype = dtype self._do_transform = False
[docs] def randomize(self): self.factor = self.R.uniform(low=self.factors[0], high=self.factors[1]) self._do_transform = self.R.random() < self.prob
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return d scaler = ScaleIntensity(minv=None, maxv=None, factor=self.factor, dtype=self.dtype) for key in self.keys: d[key] = scaler(d[key]) return d
[docs]class NormalizeIntensityd(MapTransform): """ dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.NormalizeIntensity`. This transform can normalize only non-zero values or entire image, and can also calculate mean and std on each channel separately. Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: monai.transform.composables.MapTransform subtrahend (ndarray): the amount to subtract by (usually the mean) divisor (ndarray): the amount to divide by (usually the standard deviation) nonzero (bool): whether only normalize non-zero values. channel_wise (bool): if using calculated mean and std, calculate on each channel separately or calculate on the entire image directly. """ def __init__(self, keys, subtrahend=None, divisor=None, nonzero=False, channel_wise=False): super().__init__(keys) self.normalizer = NormalizeIntensity(subtrahend, divisor, nonzero, channel_wise)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.normalizer(d[key]) return d
[docs]class ThresholdIntensityd(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.ThresholdIntensity`. Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: monai.transform.composables.MapTransform threshold (float or int): the threshold to filter intensity values. above (bool): filter values above the threshold or below the threshold, default is True. cval (float or int): value to fill the remaining parts of the image, default is 0. """ def __init__(self, keys, threshold, above=True, cval=0): super().__init__(keys) self.filter = ThresholdIntensity(threshold, above, cval)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.filter(d[key]) return d
[docs]class ScaleIntensityRanged(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.ScaleIntensityRange`. Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: monai.transform.composables.MapTransform a_min (int or float): intensity original range min. a_max (int or float): intensity original range max. b_min (int or float): intensity target range min. b_max (int or float): intensity target range max. clip (bool): whether to perform clip after scaling. """ def __init__(self, keys, a_min, a_max, b_min, b_max, clip=False): super().__init__(keys) self.scaler = ScaleIntensityRange(a_min, a_max, b_min, b_max, clip)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.scaler(d[key]) return d
[docs]class AdjustContrastd(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.AdjustContrast`. Changes image intensity by gamma. Each pixel/voxel intensity is updated as: `x = ((x - min) / intensity_range) ^ gamma * intensity_range + min` Args: gamma (float): gamma value to adjust the contrast as function. """ def __init__(self, keys, gamma): super().__init__(keys) self.adjuster = AdjustContrast(gamma)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.adjuster(d[key]) return d
[docs]class RandAdjustContrastd(Randomizable, MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based version :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.RandAdjustContrast`. Randomly changes image intensity by gamma. Each pixel/voxel intensity is updated as: `x = ((x - min) / intensity_range) ^ gamma * intensity_range + min` Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: monai.transform.composables.MapTransform prob (float): Probability of adjustment. gamma (tuple of float or float): Range of gamma values. If single number, value is picked from (0.5, gamma), default is (0.5, 4.5). """ def __init__(self, keys, prob=0.1, gamma=(0.5, 4.5)): super().__init__(keys) self.prob = prob if not isinstance(gamma, (tuple, list)): assert gamma > 0.5, \ 'if gamma is single number, must greater than 0.5 and value is picked from (0.5, gamma)' self.gamma = (0.5, gamma) else: self.gamma = gamma assert len(self.gamma) == 2, 'gamma should be a number or pair of numbers.' self._do_transform = False self.gamma_value = None
[docs] def randomize(self): self._do_transform = self.R.random_sample() < self.prob self.gamma_value = self.R.uniform(low=self.gamma[0], high=self.gamma[1])
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) self.randomize() if not self._do_transform: return d adjuster = AdjustContrast(self.gamma_value) for key in self.keys: d[key] = adjuster(d[key]) return d
[docs]class SpatialPadd(MapTransform): """ dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.SpatialPad`. Performs padding to the data, symmetric for all sides or all on one side for each dimension. """ def __init__(self, keys, spatial_size, method='symmetric', mode='constant'): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` spatial_size (list): the spatial size of output data after padding. method (str): pad image symmetric on every side or only pad at the end sides. default is 'symmetric'. mode (str): one of the following string values or a user supplied function: {'constant', 'edge', 'linear_ramp', 'maximum', 'mean', 'median', 'minimum', 'reflect', 'symmetric', 'wrap', 'empty', <function>} for more details, please check: """ super().__init__(keys) self.padder = SpatialPad(spatial_size, method, mode)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.padder(d[key]) return d
[docs]class SpatialCropd(MapTransform): """ dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.SpatialCrop`. Either a spatial center and size must be provided, or alternatively if center and size are not provided, the start and end coordinates of the ROI must be provided. """ def __init__(self, keys, roi_center=None, roi_size=None, roi_start=None, roi_end=None): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` roi_center (list or tuple): voxel coordinates for center of the crop ROI. roi_size (list or tuple): size of the crop ROI. roi_start (list or tuple): voxel coordinates for start of the crop ROI. roi_end (list or tuple): voxel coordinates for end of the crop ROI. """ super().__init__(keys) self.cropper = SpatialCrop(roi_center, roi_size, roi_start, roi_end)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.cropper(d[key]) return d
[docs]class CenterSpatialCropd(MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.CenterSpatialCrop`. Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: monai.transform.composables.MapTransform roi_size (list, tuple): the size of the crop region e.g. [224,224,128] """ def __init__(self, keys, roi_size): super().__init__(keys) self.cropper = CenterSpatialCrop(roi_size)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.cropper(d[key]) return d
[docs]class RandSpatialCropd(Randomizable, MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based version :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.RandSpatialCrop`. Crop image with random size or specific size ROI. It can crop at a random position as center or at the image center. And allows to set the minimum size to limit the randomly generated ROI. Suppose all the expected fields specified by `keys` have same shape. Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: monai.transform.composables.MapTransform roi_size (list, tuple): if `random_size` is True, the spatial size of the minimum crop region. if `random_size` is False, specify the expected ROI size to crop. e.g. [224, 224, 128] random_center (bool): crop at random position as center or the image center. random_size (bool): crop with random size or specific size ROI. """ def __init__(self, keys, roi_size, random_center=True, random_size=True): super().__init__(keys) self.roi_size = roi_size self.random_center = random_center self.random_size = random_size
[docs] def randomize(self, img_size): self._size = [self.roi_size] * len(img_size) if not isinstance(self.roi_size, (list, tuple)) else self.roi_size if self.random_size: self._size = [self.R.randint(low=self._size[i], high=img_size[i] + 1) for i in range(len(img_size))] if self.random_center: valid_size = get_valid_patch_size(img_size, self._size) self._slices = ensure_tuple(slice(None)) + get_random_patch(img_size, valid_size, self.R)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) self.randomize(d[self.keys[0]].shape[1:]) # image shape from the first data key for key in self.keys: if self.random_center: d[key] = d[key][self._slices] else: cropper = CenterSpatialCrop(self._size) d[key] = cropper(d[key]) return d
[docs]class CropForegroundd(MapTransform): """ dictionary-based version :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.CropForeground`. Crop only the foreground object of the expected images. The typical usage is to help training and evaluation if the valid part is small in the whole medical image. The valid part can be determined by any field in the data with `source_key`, for example: - Select values > 0 in image field as the foreground and crop on all fields specified by `keys`. - Select label = 3 in label field as the foreground to crop on all fields specified by `keys`. - Select label > 0 in the third channel of a One-Hot label field as the foreground to crop all `keys` fields. Users can define arbitrary function to select expected foreground from the whole source image or specified channels. And it can also add margin to every dim of the bounding box of foreground object. """ def __init__(self, keys, source_key, select_fn=lambda x: x > 0, channel_indexes=None, margin=0): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` source_key (str): data source to generate the bounding box of foreground, can be image or label, etc. select_fn (Callable): function to select expected foreground, default is to select values > 0. channel_indexes (int, tuple or list): if defined, select foregound only on the specified channels of image. if None, select foreground on the whole image. margin (int): add margin to all dims of the bounding box. """ super().__init__(keys) self.source_key = source_key self.select_fn = select_fn self.channel_indexes = ensure_tuple(channel_indexes) if channel_indexes is not None else None self.margin = margin
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) box_start, box_end = \ generate_spatial_bounding_box(data[self.source_key], self.select_fn, self.channel_indexes, self.margin) cropper = SpatialCrop(roi_start=box_start, roi_end=box_end) for key in self.keys: d[key] = cropper(d[key]) return d
[docs]class RandCropByPosNegLabeld(Randomizable, MapTransform): """ Crop random fixed sized regions with the center being a foreground or background voxel based on the Pos Neg Ratio. And will return a list of dictionaries for all the cropped images. Args: keys (list): parameter will be used to get and set the actual data item to transform. label_key (str): name of key for label image, this will be used for finding foreground/background. size (list, tuple): the size of the crop region e.g. [224,224,128] pos (int, float): used to calculate the ratio ``pos / (pos + neg)`` for the probability to pick a foreground voxel as a center rather than a background voxel. neg (int, float): used to calculate the ratio ``pos / (pos + neg)`` for the probability to pick a foreground voxel as a center rather than a background voxel. num_samples (int): number of samples (crop regions) to take in each list. image_key (str): if image_key is not None, use ``label == 0 & image > image_threshold`` to select the negative sample(background) center. so the crop center will only exist on valid image area. image_threshold (int or float): if enabled image_key, use ``image > image_threshold`` to determine the valid image content area. """ def __init__(self, keys, label_key, size, pos=1, neg=1, num_samples=1, image_key=None, image_threshold=0): super().__init__(keys) assert isinstance(label_key, str), 'label_key must be a string.' assert isinstance(size, (list, tuple)), 'size must be list or tuple.' assert all(isinstance(x, int) and x > 0 for x in size), 'all elements of size must be positive integers.' assert float(pos) >= 0 and float(neg) >= 0, "pos and neg must be greater than or equal to 0." assert float(pos) + float(neg) > 0, "pos and neg cannot both be 0." assert isinstance(num_samples, int), \ "invalid samples number: {}. num_samples must be an integer.".format(num_samples) assert num_samples >= 0, 'num_samples must be greater than or equal to 0.' self.label_key = label_key self.size = size self.pos_ratio = float(pos) / (float(pos) + float(neg)) self.num_samples = num_samples self.image_key = image_key self.image_threshold = image_threshold self.centers = None
[docs] def randomize(self, label, image): self.centers = generate_pos_neg_label_crop_centers(label, self.size, self.num_samples, self.pos_ratio, image, self.image_threshold, self.R)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) label = d[self.label_key] image = d[self.image_key] if self.image_key else None self.randomize(label, image) results = [dict() for _ in range(self.num_samples)] for key in data.keys(): if key in self.keys: img = d[key] for i, center in enumerate(self.centers): cropper = SpatialCrop(roi_center=tuple(center), roi_size=self.size) results[i][key] = cropper(img) else: for i in range(self.num_samples): results[i][key] = data[key] return results
[docs]class RandAffined(Randomizable, MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.RandAffine`. """ def __init__(self, keys, spatial_size, prob=0.1, rotate_range=None, shear_range=None, translate_range=None, scale_range=None, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', as_tensor_output=True, device=None): """ Args: keys (Hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. spatial_size (list or tuple of int): output image spatial size. if ``data`` component has two spatial dimensions, ``spatial_size`` should have 2 elements [h, w]. if ``data`` component has three spatial dimensions, ``spatial_size`` should have 3 elements [h, w, d]. prob (float): probability of returning a randomized affine grid. defaults to 0.1, with 10% chance returns a randomized grid. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to ``'bilinear'``. if mode is a tuple of interpolation mode strings, each string corresponds to a key in ``keys``. this is useful to set different modes for different data items. padding_mode ('zeros'|'border'|'reflection'): mode of handling out of range indices. Defaults to ``'zeros'``. as_tensor_output (bool): the computation is implemented using pytorch tensors, this option specifies whether to convert it back to numpy arrays. device (torch.device): device on which the tensor will be allocated. See also: - :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` - :py:class:`RandAffineGrid` for the random affine parameters configurations. """ super().__init__(keys) default_mode = 'bilinear' if isinstance(mode, (tuple, list)) else mode self.rand_affine = RandAffine(prob=prob, rotate_range=rotate_range, shear_range=shear_range, translate_range=translate_range, scale_range=scale_range, spatial_size=spatial_size, mode=default_mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, as_tensor_output=as_tensor_output, device=device) self.mode = mode
[docs] def set_random_state(self, seed=None, state=None): self.rand_affine.set_random_state(seed, state) super().set_random_state(seed, state) return self
[docs] def randomize(self): self.rand_affine.randomize()
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) self.randomize() spatial_size = self.rand_affine.spatial_size if self.rand_affine.do_transform: grid = self.rand_affine.rand_affine_grid(spatial_size=spatial_size) else: grid = create_grid(spatial_size) if isinstance(self.mode, (tuple, list)): for key, m in zip(self.keys, self.mode): d[key] = self.rand_affine.resampler(d[key], grid, mode=m) return d for key in self.keys: # same interpolation mode d[key] = self.rand_affine.resampler(d[key], grid, self.rand_affine.mode) return d
[docs]class Rand2DElasticd(Randomizable, MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.Rand2DElastic`. """ def __init__(self, keys, spatial_size, spacing, magnitude_range, prob=0.1, rotate_range=None, shear_range=None, translate_range=None, scale_range=None, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', as_tensor_output=False, device=None): """ Args: keys (Hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. spatial_size (2 ints): specifying output image spatial size [h, w]. spacing (2 ints): distance in between the control points. magnitude_range (2 ints): the random offsets will be generated from ``uniform[magnitude[0], magnitude[1])``. prob (float): probability of returning a randomized affine grid. defaults to 0.1, with 10% chance returns a randomized grid, otherwise returns a ``spatial_size`` centered area extracted from the input image. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to ``'bilinear'``. if mode is a tuple of interpolation mode strings, each string corresponds to a key in ``keys``. this is useful to set different modes for different data items. padding_mode ('zeros'|'border'|'reflection'): mode of handling out of range indices. Defaults to ``'zeros'``. as_tensor_output (bool): the computation is implemented using pytorch tensors, this option specifies whether to convert it back to numpy arrays. device (torch.device): device on which the tensor will be allocated. See also: - :py:class:`RandAffineGrid` for the random affine parameters configurations. - :py:class:`Affine` for the affine transformation parameters configurations. """ super().__init__(keys) default_mode = 'bilinear' if isinstance(mode, (tuple, list)) else mode self.rand_2d_elastic = Rand2DElastic(spacing=spacing, magnitude_range=magnitude_range, prob=prob, rotate_range=rotate_range, shear_range=shear_range, translate_range=translate_range, scale_range=scale_range, spatial_size=spatial_size, mode=default_mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, as_tensor_output=as_tensor_output, device=device) self.mode = mode
[docs] def set_random_state(self, seed=None, state=None): self.rand_2d_elastic.set_random_state(seed, state) super().set_random_state(seed, state) return self
[docs] def randomize(self, spatial_size): self.rand_2d_elastic.randomize(spatial_size)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) spatial_size = self.rand_2d_elastic.spatial_size self.randomize(spatial_size) if self.rand_2d_elastic.do_transform: grid = self.rand_2d_elastic.deform_grid(spatial_size) grid = self.rand_2d_elastic.rand_affine_grid(grid=grid) grid = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(grid[None], spatial_size, mode='bicubic', align_corners=False)[0] else: grid = create_grid(spatial_size) if isinstance(self.mode, (tuple, list)): for key, m in zip(self.keys, self.mode): d[key] = self.rand_2d_elastic.resampler(d[key], grid, mode=m) return d for key in self.keys: # same interpolation mode d[key] = self.rand_2d_elastic.resampler(d[key], grid, mode=self.rand_2d_elastic.mode) return d
[docs]class Rand3DElasticd(Randomizable, MapTransform): """ Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transforms.Rand3DElastic`. """ def __init__(self, keys, spatial_size, sigma_range, magnitude_range, prob=0.1, rotate_range=None, shear_range=None, translate_range=None, scale_range=None, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', as_tensor_output=False, device=None): """ Args: keys (Hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. spatial_size (3 ints): specifying output image spatial size [h, w, d]. sigma_range (2 ints): a Gaussian kernel with standard deviation sampled from ``uniform[sigma_range[0], sigma_range[1])`` will be used to smooth the random offset grid. magnitude_range (2 ints): the random offsets on the grid will be generated from ``uniform[magnitude[0], magnitude[1])``. prob (float): probability of returning a randomized affine grid. defaults to 0.1, with 10% chance returns a randomized grid, otherwise returns a ``spatial_size`` centered area extracted from the input image. mode ('nearest'|'bilinear'): interpolation order. Defaults to ``'bilinear'``. if mode is a tuple of interpolation mode strings, each string corresponds to a key in ``keys``. this is useful to set different modes for different data items. padding_mode ('zeros'|'border'|'reflection'): mode of handling out of range indices. Defaults to ``'zeros'``. as_tensor_output (bool): the computation is implemented using pytorch tensors, this option specifies whether to convert it back to numpy arrays. device (torch.device): device on which the tensor will be allocated. See also: - :py:class:`RandAffineGrid` for the random affine parameters configurations. - :py:class:`Affine` for the affine transformation parameters configurations. """ super().__init__(keys) default_mode = 'bilinear' if isinstance(mode, (tuple, list)) else mode self.rand_3d_elastic = Rand3DElastic(sigma_range=sigma_range, magnitude_range=magnitude_range, prob=prob, rotate_range=rotate_range, shear_range=shear_range, translate_range=translate_range, scale_range=scale_range, spatial_size=spatial_size, mode=default_mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, as_tensor_output=as_tensor_output, device=device) self.mode = mode
[docs] def set_random_state(self, seed=None, state=None): self.rand_3d_elastic.set_random_state(seed, state) super().set_random_state(seed, state) return self
[docs] def randomize(self, grid_size): self.rand_3d_elastic.randomize(grid_size)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) spatial_size = self.rand_3d_elastic.spatial_size self.randomize(spatial_size) grid = create_grid(spatial_size) if self.rand_3d_elastic.do_transform: device = self.rand_3d_elastic.device grid = torch.tensor(grid).to(device) gaussian = GaussianFilter(spatial_dims=3, sigma=self.rand_3d_elastic.sigma, truncated=3., device=device) grid[:3] += gaussian(self.rand_3d_elastic.rand_offset[None])[0] * self.rand_3d_elastic.magnitude grid = self.rand_3d_elastic.rand_affine_grid(grid=grid) if isinstance(self.mode, (tuple, list)): for key, m in zip(self.keys, self.mode): d[key] = self.rand_3d_elastic.resampler(d[key], grid, mode=m) return d for key in self.keys: # same interpolation mode d[key] = self.rand_3d_elastic.resampler(d[key], grid, mode=self.rand_3d_elastic.mode) return d
[docs]class Flipd(MapTransform): """Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.Flip`. See `numpy.flip` for additional details. Args: keys (dict): Keys to pick data for transformation. spatial_axis (None, int or tuple of ints): Spatial axes along which to flip over. Default is None. """ def __init__(self, keys, spatial_axis=None): super().__init__(keys) self.flipper = Flip(spatial_axis=spatial_axis)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.flipper(d[key]) return d
[docs]class RandFlipd(Randomizable, MapTransform): """Dictionary-based version :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.RandFlip`. See `numpy.flip` for additional details. Args: prob (float): Probability of flipping. spatial_axis (None, int or tuple of ints): Spatial axes along which to flip over. Default is None. """ def __init__(self, keys, prob=0.1, spatial_axis=None): super().__init__(keys) self.spatial_axis = spatial_axis self.prob = prob self._do_transform = False self.flipper = Flip(spatial_axis=spatial_axis)
[docs] def randomize(self): self._do_transform = self.R.random_sample() < self.prob
[docs] def __call__(self, data): self.randomize() d = dict(data) if not self._do_transform: return d for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.flipper(d[key]) return d
[docs]class Rotated(MapTransform): """Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.Rotate`. Args: keys (dict): Keys to pick data for transformation. angle (float): Rotation angle in degrees. spatial_axes (tuple of 2 ints): Spatial axes of rotation. Default: (0, 1). This is the first two axis in spatial dimensions. reshape (bool): If reshape is true, the output shape is adapted so that the input array is contained completely in the output. Default is True. order (int): Order of spline interpolation. Range 0-5. Default: 1. This is different from scipy where default interpolation is 3. mode (str): Points outside boundary filled according to this mode. Options are 'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'wrap'. Default: 'constant'. cval (scalar): Values to fill outside boundary. Default: 0. prefilter (bool): Apply spline_filter before interpolation. Default: True. """ def __init__(self, keys, angle, spatial_axes=(0, 1), reshape=True, order=1, mode='constant', cval=0, prefilter=True): super().__init__(keys) self.rotator = Rotate(angle=angle, spatial_axes=spatial_axes, reshape=reshape, order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval, prefilter=prefilter)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.rotator(d[key]) return d
[docs]class RandRotated(Randomizable, MapTransform): """Dictionary-based version :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.RandRotate` Randomly rotates the input arrays. Args: prob (float): Probability of rotation. degrees (tuple of float or float): Range of rotation in degrees. If single number, angle is picked from (-degrees, degrees). spatial_axes (tuple of 2 ints): Spatial axes of rotation. Default: (0, 1). This is the first two axis in spatial dimensions. reshape (bool): If reshape is true, the output shape is adapted so that the input array is contained completely in the output. Default is True. order (int): Order of spline interpolation. Range 0-5. Default: 1. This is different from scipy where default interpolation is 3. mode (str): Points outside boundary filled according to this mode. Options are 'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'wrap'. Default: 'constant'. cval (scalar): Value to fill outside boundary. Default: 0. prefilter (bool): Apply spline_filter before interpolation. Default: True. """ def __init__(self, keys, degrees, prob=0.1, spatial_axes=(0, 1), reshape=True, order=1, mode='constant', cval=0, prefilter=True): super().__init__(keys) self.prob = prob self.degrees = degrees self.reshape = reshape self.order = order self.mode = mode self.cval = cval self.prefilter = prefilter self.spatial_axes = spatial_axes if not hasattr(self.degrees, '__iter__'): self.degrees = (-self.degrees, self.degrees) assert len(self.degrees) == 2, 'degrees should be a number or pair of numbers.' self._do_transform = False self.angle = None
[docs] def randomize(self): self._do_transform = self.R.random_sample() < self.prob self.angle = self.R.uniform(low=self.degrees[0], high=self.degrees[1])
[docs] def __call__(self, data): self.randomize() d = dict(data) if not self._do_transform: return d rotator = Rotate(self.angle, self.spatial_axes, self.reshape, self.order, self.mode, self.cval, self.prefilter) for key in self.keys: d[key] = rotator(d[key]) return d
[docs]class Zoomd(MapTransform): """Dictionary-based wrapper of :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.Zoom`. Args: zoom (float or sequence): The zoom factor along the spatial axes. If a float, zoom is the same for each spatial axis. If a sequence, zoom should contain one value for each spatial axis. order (int): order of interpolation. Default=3. mode (str): Determines how input is extended beyond boundaries. Default is 'constant'. cval (scalar, optional): Value to fill past edges. Default is 0. use_gpu (bool): Should use cpu or gpu. Uses cupyx which doesn't support order > 1 and modes 'wrap' and 'reflect'. Defaults to cpu for these cases or if cupyx not found. keep_size (bool): Should keep original size (pad if needed). """ def __init__(self, keys, zoom, order=3, mode='constant', cval=0, prefilter=True, use_gpu=False, keep_size=False): super().__init__(keys) self.zoomer = Zoom(zoom=zoom, order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval, prefilter=prefilter, use_gpu=use_gpu, keep_size=keep_size)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: d[key] = self.zoomer(d[key]) return d
[docs]class RandZoomd(Randomizable, MapTransform): """Dict-based version :py:class:`monai.transforms.transfroms.RandZoom`. Args: keys (dict): Keys to pick data for transformation. prob (float): Probability of zooming. min_zoom (float or sequence): Min zoom factor. Can be float or sequence same size as image. If a float, min_zoom is the same for each spatial axis. If a sequence, min_zoom should contain one value for each spatial axis. max_zoom (float or sequence): Max zoom factor. Can be float or sequence same size as image. If a float, max_zoom is the same for each spatial axis. If a sequence, max_zoom should contain one value for each spatial axis. order (int): order of interpolation. Default=3. mode ('reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'): Determines how input is extended beyond boundaries. Default: 'constant'. cval (scalar, optional): Value to fill past edges. Default is 0. use_gpu (bool): Should use cpu or gpu. Uses cupyx which doesn't support order > 1 and modes 'wrap' and 'reflect'. Defaults to cpu for these cases or if cupyx not found. keep_size (bool): Should keep original size (pad if needed). """ def __init__(self, keys, prob=0.1, min_zoom=0.9, max_zoom=1.1, order=3, mode='constant', cval=0, prefilter=True, use_gpu=False, keep_size=False): super().__init__(keys) if hasattr(min_zoom, '__iter__') and \ hasattr(max_zoom, '__iter__'): assert len(min_zoom) == len(max_zoom), 'min_zoom and max_zoom must have same length.' self.min_zoom = min_zoom self.max_zoom = max_zoom self.prob = prob self.order = order self.mode = mode self.cval = cval self.prefilter = prefilter self.use_gpu = use_gpu self.keep_size = keep_size self._do_transform = False self._zoom = None
[docs] def randomize(self): self._do_transform = self.R.random_sample() < self.prob if hasattr(self.min_zoom, '__iter__'): self._zoom = (self.R.uniform(l, h) for l, h in zip(self.min_zoom, self.max_zoom)) else: self._zoom = self.R.uniform(self.min_zoom, self.max_zoom)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): self.randomize() d = dict(data) if not self._do_transform: return d zoomer = Zoom(self._zoom, self.order, self.mode, self.cval, self.prefilter, self.use_gpu, self.keep_size) for key in self.keys: d[key] = zoomer(d[key]) return d
[docs]class DeleteKeysd(MapTransform): """ Delete specified keys from data dictionary to release memory. It will remove the key-values and copy the others to construct a new dictionary. """ def __init__(self, keys): """ Args: keys (hashable items): keys of the corresponding items to be transformed. See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.compose.MapTransform` """ super().__init__(keys)
[docs] def __call__(self, data): return {key: val for key, val in data.items() if key not in self.keys}
SpacingD = SpacingDict = Spacingd OrientationD = OrientationDict = Orientationd LoadNiftiD = LoadNiftiDict = LoadNiftid LoadPNGD = LoadPNGDict = LoadPNGd AsChannelFirstD = AsChannelFirstDict = AsChannelFirstd AsChannelLastD = AsChannelLastDict = AsChannelLastd AddChannelD = AddChannelDict = AddChanneld RepeatChannelD = RepeatChannelDict = RepeatChanneld CastToTypeD = CastToTypeDict = CastToTyped ToTensorD = ToTensorDict = ToTensord Rotate90D = Rotate90Dict = Rotate90d ResizeD = ResizeDict = Resized RandGaussianNoiseD = RandGaussianNoiseDict = RandGaussianNoised RandRotate90D = RandRotate90Dict = RandRotate90d ShiftIntensityD = ShiftIntensityDict = ShiftIntensityd RandShiftIntensityD = RandShiftIntensityDict = RandShiftIntensityd ScaleIntensityD = ScaleIntensityDict = ScaleIntensityd RandScaleIntensityD = RandScaleIntensityDict = RandScaleIntensityd NormalizeIntensityD = NormalizeIntensityDict = NormalizeIntensityd ThresholdIntensityD = ThresholdIntensityDict = ThresholdIntensityd ScaleIntensityRangeD = ScaleIntensityRangeDict = ScaleIntensityRanged AdjustContrastD = AdjustContrastDict = AdjustContrastd RandAdjustContrastD = RandAdjustContrastDict = RandAdjustContrastd SpatialPadD = SpatialPadDict = SpatialPadd SpatialCropD = SpatialCropDict = SpatialCropd CenterSpatialCropD = CenterSpatialCropDict = CenterSpatialCropd RandSpatialCropD = RandSpatialCropDict = RandSpatialCropd CropForegroundD = CropForegroundDict = CropForegroundd RandCropByPosNegLabelD = RandCropByPosNegLabelDict = RandCropByPosNegLabeld RandAffineD = RandAffineDict = RandAffined Rand2DElasticD = Rand2DElasticDict = Rand2DElasticd Rand3DElasticD = Rand3DElasticDict = Rand3DElasticd FlipD = FlipDict = Flipd RandFlipD = RandFlipDict = RandFlipd RotateD = RotateDict = Rotated RandRotateD = RandRotateDict = RandRotated ZoomD = ZoomDict = Zoomd RandZoomD = RandZoomDict = RandZoomd DeleteKeysD = DeleteKeysDict = DeleteKeysd